Get Naked

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"You finally got him to sleep?"

"Barely. Okaa-san came and took over me so I could go shower and get ready for bed. She got him to bed pretty quickly."

Haruki stood before the vanity in the bathroom, drying her hair as Shisui stood in the doorway behind her. A few weeks on following Masumi's birth, the young couple had finally settled down into their new routine. For the time being, Shisui alone would work, and Haruki would stay at home with Namiko to look after Masumi until he was old enough for her to return to her duties as a kunoichi.

"Aw, you already showered? Without me?" pouted Shisui, making Haruki roll her eyes.

"You're not a baby," she scoffed, turning around with her arms crossed. "Besides, you should get some rest."

"You're always saying that," whined Shisui as Haruki embraced him with a small smile. "I don't want to rest. I want to spend time with you!"

"You're always on call for the Hokage, that's why I always tell you to rest!" chided Haruki, laying her head on Shisui's chest as she pushed him against the hallway wall. "Now get naked, and get in the shower!"

"You had me at 'get naked.'"

Haruki grinned as she leaned up and kissed Shisui on the lips, already sensing what was going to happen.

"I guess another shower won't hurt," she teased, grabbing Shisui by the front of his shirt and pulling him back into the bathroom. Smirking, Shisui gladly obliged and shut the door behind himself, letting Haruki pull him against the sink so she could remove his clothing.

"Arms up!" instructed Haruki in a sing-song voice, immediately making Shisui groan.

"Don't kill the mood!"

"How is that killing the mood?!"

Shisui refrained from answering, choosing to pout instead as he followed Haruki's instructions.

"No fair, you need to take off your clothes too!" pointed out Shisui as Haruki squatted down and yanked down his pants with a chortle.

"Yeah, yeah, soon," said Haruki casually, waving away the Uchiha's protests as she placed her hands on his hips. "Are you going to take off your underwear, or shall I?"


Haruki squealed as Shisui leaned down and pulled her up, carrying her over to the sink and sitting her on it as he reached out and tugged at the hem of her nightdress.

"Ah, hey!"

Haruki could only snort as Shisui yanked her nightdress over her head and tossed it aside, leaving the two of them in only their underwear as she threw her arms around his neck.

"Mmm, you smell so good!" 

Shisui leaned forward and deeply inhaled Haruki's scent before kissing her on the side of her neck, lifting her up once more and heading to the shower.

"A quick one," said Haruki pointedly, separating herself from Shisui and placing a finger on his lips. "Ten minutes."

"Where's Masumi now?"

"In okaa-san's room. Why?"

"If we just shower and get done in ten minutes, we can keep going in the bedroom later. Very, very quietly."

Haruki sighed in defeat as Shisui smirked and wrapped his arms around her, returning to her neck and picking up where he left off with his kisses.

"... let's just take our time in here," relented Haruki, not wanting to return to the bedroom for fear of making too much noise and not only waking up Masumi, but having Namiko hear their activities as well.

Shisui grinned, and squeezed Haruki's buttocks zealously.

"That's more like it! Come on, off with your panties!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora