Big News

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"I'm going to go get Hinata and Hanabi now. Are you sure you're fine to look after Masumi?"

Haruki raised an eyebrow at Shisui as she stood at the front door, slipping on her shoes as their son ran back and forth behind his father laughing at nothing in particular.

"Perfectly fine!" reassured Shisui, grinning brightly at Haruki and waving her away. "You three enjoy your night!"

"Masumi, I'm going now!" called out Haruki, craning her neck around Shisui's figure and waving at her son. "Come give me a kiss!"

Obediently, Masumi ran back from the end of the hallway and headed towards his mother, holding his arms out with a pout on his face. Haruki tenderly bent down and placed a kiss on his cheek, earning a whine of complaint as she refused his gestures to pick him up.

"Aw, hey! Don't you want to hang out with me?" asked Shisui in disappointment, walking forward and picking Masumi up from behind. "Come on! Let's go play!"

"See you later," said Haruki, kissing Shisui on the cheek after he stuck out his face for her to give him a goodbye kiss. "I'll be back late, so don't wait up for me."

"As you wish, boss."


"... and how have you been, Hinata?"

After treating her little sisters to a shopping spree and dumping their purchases at home, Haruki sat with Hinata and Hanabi at a sushi restaurant as their day came to an end. Hanabi was taking full advantage of her sister's offer by ordering as much food as she could and stuffing herself to near explosion- something which made Haruki very proud- but Hinata had yet to order anything other than the first plate of tamago sushi she had eaten.

"Good," said Hinata in a small voice, absentmindedly pressing at the screen to order their food from. Haruki raised an eyebrow in suspicion, obviously not buying Hinata's facade. She knew Hinata was a generally meek and quiet girl, but this wasn't her usual demeanour. This was Hinata hiding something.

"Really now?"

At that moment, Hanabi let out a loud groan and stood up.

"I need to pee," she announced, sliding out of her seat and waddling her way towards the bathroom. Knowing her time was limited, Haruki frowned and leaned forward.

"Hinata," she said sternly, eyes narrowed at her 12 year old sister. "What's going on?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

"I've known you your whole life. What's bugging you?"

Hinata went red in the face and put down the tablet she had been playing on.



Hinata finally sighed and pushed her plate away, crossing her arms.

"Otou-san thinks I'm useless," she said quietly, looking as if she were going to begin tearing up. "He thinks Hanabi is a better kunoichi than me."

"Says who?" asked Haruki, shocked that Hinata was saying such a thing. Yes, Hiashi was strict and had high expectations, but surely he wouldn't have said such a thing to one of his own daughters. Would he?

"Otou-san does," sniffled Hinata, wiping her nose. "Nee-chan, please come back. You're meant to be the heiress, not me. I'm not good enough."

"Don't say that," said Haruki softly, reaching across the table and taking Hinata's hands in her own. "I'll speak to otou-san about you and Hanabi's training."

"N-No! Then he'll find out I said something and think I'm even weaker!" protested Hinata, pulling her hands away from Haruki and glaring at her sister. "Please, just please take back your position as heiress! I don't want it!"

"I can't promise anything, but if it makes you that upset, I'll speak to otou-san about it," reassured Haruki, genuinely saddened at seeing Hinata so distraught. As they wrapped up their conversation, Hanabi reappeared at the table, grinning happily as she sat down and took the ordering tablet from Hinata's side.

"What did I miss?" asked Hanabi, scrolling through the menu without a second glance at her sisters.

"Nothing. You made it just in time for me to ask you both something very important," smiled Haruki, nodding knowingly at Hinata and clearing her throat. "But for now, you two need to keep it a secret. Can you promise me that?"

Interest piqued, Hanabi gasped and dropped the tablet.

"You're having another baby?!"

Haruki blinked.

"Well, yeah, but that's not the news I was referring to," chuckled the eldest Hyūga sister, leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed. It had been a month since Shisui had officially popped the question, and they had found out a week after their engagement that Haruki was already a month pregnant. "But anyway, that's a secret too!"

"Wait, what news is bigger than having another baby?" asked Hanabi in confusion, head titled as she stared at her sister.

"Hanabi, her and Shisui are probably getting married," sighed Hinata, spelling it out to her sister. "Right, nee-chan?"

"Bingo! And I want both of you to help me plan it!"

"Nee-chan," said Hanabi seriously, placing a hand flat on the table. "I'm seven years old. Are you really asking us that?"

"Of course. Cake, food, decorations- I want both of you to help me and Shisui choose!"

"No offence nee-chan, but don't you have older friends who could help you with that stuff?" implored Hinata.

"I do, but I want your thoughts as well. Shisui and I are going out next week to have a look around for our clothes- can you two come along and help me choose a kimono?"

"Uh, I guess."

"Wait, so you're having another baby and you're getting married?!" exclaimed Hanabi, eyes wide in shock as she processed her sister's news.

"Yes yes, but you have to keep it a secret. So far, only Shisui, me, and you two know about all of it, so we have to keep it a secret for a little longer, okay?"

"I love secrets!" cheered Hanabi.

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