One Smart Cookie

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"Haruki, Shisui. Thanks for joining me today."

"No problem...?"

Rolling into June, Haruki and Shisui had been asked by Masumi's teacher to meet her for a quick chat at the end of the week. Both were dubious as to why she had summoned them, and although they had their inklings, they couldn't be entirely sure.

Sitting across from Anko at her desk, Haruki and Shisui let out a collective sigh.

"Anko, let's be real. What's he in trouble for?" asked Shisui frankly, sighing and facepalming as he awaited her reply. 

Haruki, having slightly more faith in her son, scowled and punched Shisui as she said, "Please tell me he's not in any trouble."

"No, no! Actually, quite the opposite- I wanted to talk to you two about moving him up a few grades!"

Haruki's jaw dropped.

"I'm sorry... a few grades? One grade I'd understand, but... how many grades did you have in mind, exactly?"

As Haruki exchanged a look of surprise with her husband, Anko beamed and clasped her hands together as she launched into her proposal.

"Look. Masumi is an extremely talented and gifted boy- he literally picks up everything we learn on the same day, and has it committed to his memory by the end of the week. And this isn't even ninjutsu wise- academically, he's the brightest and most intelligent child I have ever come across. I really think it would be a better idea if he were to be placed in one of the fifth, or even sixth grade classes. You know, you two have a strong say in the final action, but not moving Masumi would probably just do more harm than good at this point."

"He's five," was all that Haruki could manage weakly, resting her hands on her swollen belly.

"That's great!" cheered Shisui, cutting off his dejected wife and slamming a hand down on the desktop in excitement. "That's really great!"

"I mean, it's only natural considering he has the likes of you and Haruki as his parents," snorted Anko, winking at the couple. "Though I must say, I feel like he's well on his way to outdoing both of you in the future!"

"See, Haru-chan! I told you!"

The smile on Shisui's visage was immediately wiped away as he saw the look of concern on Haruki's face, and he knew then and there that he needed to speak up not only for Masumi, but all of their children. Being the protective mother she was, it was only natural that Haruki was concerned about her children's wellbeing and happiness- however, Shisui didn't want this same protectiveness to end up smothering them and putting out their fires before they'd even had the opportunity to reach full flame.

"Haru-chan," repeated the Uchiha softly, reaching out and gently taking one of her hands in his. "I know he's your baby. But we can't stunt his growth just because we want him to stay small forever. Let's be real. If your father hadn't seen your full potential and embraced it the way he did when you were younger, how would you feel? Wouldn't you feel as if he'd held you back from being the best kunoichi you could be? Our parents saw potential in us, and did everything necessary for us to realise it and pursue it. Don't we want to do the same for Masumi?"

Haruki sighed, knowing that Shisui had some valid points.

"Sometimes we can't control everything," he added, a tender look in his eyes as he reassured his uncertain wife. "We owe Masumi this much. I don't know about you, but I feel like he's already chosen his path. He's only five, but he knows. Plus, he could just as easily change his mind in the future, and when he does- that's fine too! We'll drop all the shinobi stuff and do whatever he wants to do! As long as it's within limits! But at least for now, can't we please consider this? I really think Masumi has great potential, Haru-chan. I want him to make this move."

Anko's eyes darted furtively between the couple as she waited with bated breath for them to make their final decision.

"... I know."

Shisui's eyes lit up as Haruki nodded.

"You have a good point. But before we get into that... how do you know he's advanced enough to go into a higher class?" frowned the Hyūga. "I mean, passing tests is one thing, b-"


Haruki was startled as Shisui burst out into a fit of laughter beside her, catching even Anko by surprise as he began howling without any kind of explanation.



A guffawing Shisui slapped his knees as he rose to his feet, pointing towards the window and yelling, "Masumi! Get down before you give okaa-san a heart attack!"


Leaping to her feet, Haruki rushed over to Shisui's side to see what he was laughing about, and just about passed out when she saw the source of his hysteria.


Outside the office window, hanging upside down from a tree branch so that he was at eye level with his parents, Masumi grinned as he happily waved at them. His shirt hanging in his face, Masumi's little abdomen was bared as he began swaying his arms from side to side, further alerting Haruki at his unbothered state.


"Don't worry, I've got him." Holding out an arm to stop Haruki from trying to do anything taxing while in her pregnant state, Shisui seamlessly opened the window and jumped towards the tree, retrieving Masumi from his precarious position on the branch and pulling him back into safety.

"Masumi," groaned Haruki in exasperation, covering her face with one hand as she fanned herself with her other. Masumi giggled as he looked up at Shisui and gave him a high five, while Anko chuckled from behind her desk.

"He's one smart cookie," reiterated the Mitarashi, calling out to the family. "I think he'd do perfectly fine in a higher class."

"Masumi, don't ever do that again!" exclaimed Haruki, placing a hand over her heart as she tried to calm herself.

"Good job, buddy," grinned Shisui proudly, ruffling the top of his son's dark purple hair. "Wanna show us more when we get home?"


"Ah- right. No encouragement. Alright, buddy, guess you'll just have to convince okaa-san yourself by smashing your classes."

"What?" asked Masumi, brow furrowed in confusion. 

"Sumi! Sumi!"

The trio's attention was brought back to the open window as they heard a faint voice calling out, with Masumi rushing back to the ledge and peering out to see who it was.

"Sorry, Sana-chan!" he yelled back, waving at his friend as she waited for him. "Where's Tomo-kun?"

"Gone home!"

"Should we drop Sana off home on our way to pick up your brothers?" suggested Shisui, squatting down so that he was at the same level as his son.

"Okay! I'll wait outside!"

Beaming, Masumi took off and dashed outside of the office, leaving Haruki to let out a breath she hadn't even realised she'd been holding in.

"Put him wherever," she said faintly, waving a nonchalant hand in the air. Shisui fistpumped in triumph, throwing his arm around Haruki's shoulders as he pulled her in to kiss her forehead.

"Great! We'll have everything sorted for next week! Take care on your way home!"

"Thanks, Anko."

As Shisui guided his still adjusting wife out of the office, she let out a loud sigh- one of many that afternoon- and rested her head against his shoulder.

"How did he learn that..." she murmured, wanting nothing more but a nice, long nap to clear her mind.

Shisui shrugged.

"Probably saw one of the older kids doing it. Isn't he great?!"

"... yeah. He is."

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora