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"Sumi, do you want to tell otou-san about your day today?"

As Haruki and Masumi swung by the Hokage's office to pick up Shisui after having a meeting with the other teachers regarding Masumi's status in her class, the Hyūga gave her husband a pointed look as Masumi reached up and took his hand.

"What'd you get up to today, buddy?" asked Shisui brightly, ruffling the top of Masumi's head with his free hand as he remained none the wiser to the situation.

"I... got into a fight."

Shisui's eyes widened, and he shot Masumi a bewildered look.

"You what?!"

As he walked with Masumi ahead of Haruki, he pressed his son for more answers.

"What happened?!"

"I used the jutsu you taught me," murmured Masumi in a small voice, fearfully looking at his mother over his shoulder.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about!" Shisui laughed nervously, hoping that Haruki hadn't heard them.

"Okaa-san already knows," replied Masumi glumly. "I used it on another boy. She saw."


Shisui let out a loud, drawn out sigh as he slapped his palm against his forehead and stood up straight to face his displeased wife.

"Haru-chan, look-"

"We'll talk when we get home, Shisui. Although I do believe you'll be happy to know that Masumi has fully awakened his Sharingan, and that it's been decided he'll be able to join the sixth graders for the remainder of the year so that he can graduate with them."

Shisui could only blink.


"We'll talk about this at home, Shisui."


"Haru-chan, let me explain first. Masumi asked me a few weeks ago to teach him something new, because some of the kids in the class were being mean to him."

That night, Shisui and Haruki sat in bed as they found themselves having the conversation they'd both been trying to avoid, at least until the twins were born. Haruki's jaw dropped at the revelation, immediately setting her into a rage.

"What?! Who?! Why didn't he tell me?!"

"He didn't tell you because he was afraid you'd hurt them," explained Shisui grimly. "When he told me, I wanted to tell you, but he didn't want me to. I didn't want to betray his trust."

"Really, Shisui? He's a child! How do you betray a five-year-old's trust?!"

"Just because he's young, it doesn't mean he's any less entitled to confide in me with full confidence that I'll keep it a secret," frowned Shisui. "He had every right to approach me without telling you."

"Shisui, you know how I feel about teaching him more than he needs to know!"

"How do we know where to draw the line, though? The very fact that he came to me and asked me to teach him more shows me that there's plenty out there that he needs to know, Haru-chan! I know he's your baby, and I know he's young- but I can't just turn a blind eye to his situation, especially when he asks me so directly! Limiting him is going to do more damage than good- can't you see he wants to move forward? He has so much potential to grow, Haru-chan- why are you so intent on keeping him where he is?!"

"I've already told you this before, Shisui. I just want him to have a normal childhood!"

"Do you mean the normal childhood your father never let you experience?"

Haruki's eyes widened as Shisui snapped at her, causing her to shrink away from him and his scathing, yet truthful, words.

"Haruki... I know... you didn't have an easy time growing up," said Shisui, jaw tight as he closed his eyes. "And you know what? Neither did I. But we were never normal children to begin with, and Masumi isn't a normal kid either! I can tell you this right now- Sora, Riku, and Mamoru, they're all going to have the 'normal' childhood you want them to have, and that's fine by me! None of them have displayed any talent near the levels Masumi has, and that's okay! Not everyone has to be a child prodigy, regardless of whether they're Hyūga, or Uchiha, or both! Masumi is different- he's special. Forcing him to be the 'normal' child you want him to be isn't going to do anyone any favours! You can be mad at me for teaching him things he wants to know, but that won't change my mind. I know what Masumi needs, and it's not being held back because his mother doesn't want to admit that he's smarter and more powerful than she wants to believe."

With a huff, Shisui swung his legs off of the bed and rose to his feet as Haruki sat frozen.

"I'm sorry for getting so worked up," he said sharply. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, and I'm sorry for teaching Masumi more ninjutsu without telling you. I'm not sorry that I did, I'm only sorry that I lied to you and upset you. But I stand by what I say." 

Shisui huffed, and scratched the back of his head.

"It's getting late now, and we both need rest. We can keep talking tomorrow, after we've both had time to think about things. I'll sleep downstairs tonight. Sorry, Haru-chan."

Haruki watched in silence as Shisui picked up his pillow and walked towards the door, astounded at his outburst. It was obviously something that had been weighing down on his mind for a while, but before she felt guilt, she wanted to reassess her own standpoint.

He's never spoken so strongly about anything before. Have I really been that selfish in not wanting Masumi to advance?

Shisui came to a halt at the bedroom door, calling out to Haruki and breaking her train of thought.

"I love you, Haru-chan," he said quietly. "I just want you to see things from my perspective. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Shisui. I love you too."

With a final nod, Shisui exited the room, leaving Haruki with her own thoughts.

Even a seemingly perfect relationship full of love and affection has its downsides, and Shisui and Haruki's was no different.

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