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"Right. That's that done."

On one of his off days at home, Shisui dusted his hands off as he finished piecing together the baby crib he had bought for his first child's upcoming birth. Haruki had insisted that she wanted the crib to be in their room, and put it there he had. The last free room in the house was currently being used as a storage room for all the baby's necessities, such as its clothes, bottles, diapers- you name it, Shisui had bought it. Although he was anxious about the baby's birth, none of that was going to stop him from going all out to welcome it into the world.

"Thank you for putting it together."

Shisui looked over his shoulder and saw Haruki standing by the doorframe, smiling brightly at him as she kept one hand on her large baby bump. She had been living with Shisui and Namiko for over a month, and apart from their occasional disagreements, everything had been running smoothly. Namiko was there to help Haruki out whenever Shisui was out on missions, giving the Uchiha peace of mind about her and the baby's safety. Now, they were counting down the last month to their child's grand entrance, and with every day that passed, Shisui grew more and more nervous.

"It's no problem," grinned Shisui, strolling over to his heavily pregnant girlfriend and kissing her on the forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"The same as when you asked me two hours ago. Fine," laughed Haruki, returning the favour by kissing him on the cheek. "Come on, dinner's ready."

"Alright, alright. Coming."

The pair made their way to the dining room, where Namiko sat at the table as she waited for them to arrive.

"I'm so excited," sighed Namiko wistfully, staring at Haruki's belly as Shisui helped her sit down. "I'm going to be a grandma! Isn't that the best?!"

"You're going to be the best grandma," smiled Haruki.

"Have you two considered names?"

"Mmm," nodded Shisui.


"Masumi if it's a boy. Hanako for a girl," answered Haruki. "Masumi obviously after Shisui's father, and Hanako for my mother."

"How beautiful," said Namiko tenderly, nodding in approval at the couple's choice. "I'm absolutely excited."

"So are we, okaa-san," chuckled Shisui. "So are we."

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now