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"Thank you, Haru-chan."

Haruki shook her head as she stood before a naked, seated Shisui in the bathroom the night he was discharged from hospital and sent home, careful not to wet any of his dressings as she scrubbed him down with a cloth. Injured ankles meant that the Uchiha couldn't stand on his own, and left him in a wheelchair that was already difficult enough to manoeuvre around the house, much less into the bathroom. That, and the fact that one of his arms was broken in two places meant that he needed assistance if he wanted to shower properly and thoroughly.

"It's no big deal," sighed Haruki as she gently took Shisui's good arm in her hands and scrubbed it with her soapy cloth. "I'm just glad you're alive, and safe now."

"You know, I wouldn't have minded asking okaa-san to help," said Shisui softly, seeing how huffed Haruki was. Her large baby bump just made things all the more difficult for her, but it didn't stop her from wanting to look after her husband.

"No," said Haruki flatly, urging Shisui to lift his arm so she could scrub underneath. "I'll look after you, period. It gives me an excuse to spend more time with you as well."

"It really puts things into perspective, huh?"

Haruki nodded as she pulled up her own stool and sat at Shisui's knees, sticking her tongue out in pure concentration as she made to scrub his legs and feet.

"What happened, anyway?" asked the Hyūga as she gently washed down Shisui's thighs, taking her time to make her way down the lower half of his torso.

"I was double crossed. The partner I was assigned on the mission with was a traitor. Once we were in enemy territory, she turned on me and joined her allies in taking me on."

"Was this an Anbu mission?"

"Yeah. Thankfully, another member had been suspicious on her because of the last mission they'd been assigned on together and did some digging on her true identity, then reported it to Minato-sama. He sent urgent backup to warn me and apprehend her. They made it just in time to get me out of there alive. Unfortunately, she'd made off with my eye by then. We have no idea where she went off to, or who she was working for. Everyone's trying to figure out how someone like her was allowed into the Anbu in the first place."

"That's terrible. But who did they send you as backup?"

"I know for sure one was Kakashi. I couldn't tell you who the other one was, but they had a boar mask on."

Haruki clucked her tongue as she bent down and made her way towards Shisui's calves, still shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well, thank goodness for Kakashi. I'm just glad you're safe. But... your eye is another story..."

"It is what it is. At least I'm alive. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to you, or even meet our babies."

"... we don't have to talk about that now. All that matters is that you're back with us, and you won't be going anywhere for a long time."

"Which I'm looking forward to! By the way, on a lighter note, have you heard? Obito finally asked Rin out on a date!"

"No way! What did she say?!"

"She said yes!"

"But what about Kakashi? I've been stuck at home for so long I haven't been able to catch up on all the gossip," whined Haruki as she gave an almighty huff and stretched down to tackle Shisui's feet. "How is their team dynamic going on?"

The change in conversation seemed so natural to Haruki and Shisui, yet to anyone else it would seem like the couple were trying hard to forget Shisui's ordeal; but really, they weren't. At the end of the day, other people's love lives was always a popular topic of choice between the two.

"Well, from the looks of it, Rin finally got tired of getting nowhere with him and decided to give Obito a chance," chuckled Shisui, shifting himself to make it easier for Haruki to wipe him down. "So it's official! They're finally dating!"

"Good on him! How many years has it been? More than seven years, right?"

"How many years since what?"

"How many years has it been since Obito first started crushing on Rin!" scowled Haruki, pinching Shisui's calf. "I love you Shisui, but please keep up."

"Hey, it was a valid question!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," scoffed Haruki, reaching for the wash bowl beside her and picking up the second cloth within. "Here, wash down your bits. Do you think you can manage?"

"What if I say no?" asked Shisui slyly, making his wife scowl.

"Then you're just going to have to go to bed with a dirty dick," she said warningly, making Shisui sigh in defeat.

"Alright, alright, I got it." After Haruki had tossed Shisui the damp cloth, he smirked and flicked a few drops of water at her, making her exclaim in annoyance.

"Shisui, I will not hesitate to prolong your time in that wheelchair!" said Haruki warningly, taking the bowl of water from beside her and scooping some out towards the Uchiha.

"I don't mind!"

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