Six Thumbs Up

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"... thank you for joining us tonight, Shisui."

Haruki awkwardly gave Shisui a small thumbs up as he sat at the Hyūga family dinner table one night, sitting at the head seat opposite of Hiashi's.

"Thank you for the invitation!" grinned Shisui brightly, scratching the back of his neck. "But, I have to admit... when Haru-ch- I mean, when Haruki told me you'd asked for me to join you all for dinner... I thought she was joking..."

Hiashi frowned at the Uchiha, ending his playful tone almost immediately.

"I figured it was about time I got to meet you properly," said Hiashi coolly, placing his chopsticks down as he sized up Shisui. "You two have been dating for... three years now, is it? Even though you two are young, that's a considerable amount of time to spend in a relationship with someone."

"Y-yes, sir."

Haruki snickered and hid her face behind her hand, having never seen Shisui so nervous in her life. Faced with death? Nope. Cool as a cucumber. Seeing that he'd been outnumbered during a battle? Never. In the presence of her intimidating father? Absolutely terrified.

"Tell me, Shisui, why are you attracted to my daughter?"

There was a clinking sound as Hinata dropped her chopsticks and looked towards Shisui, also seemingly curious to hear the answer.

"Hinata, keep eating," scolded Haruki lightly, reaching over and pushing her sister's cutlery back towards her. "Look, Hanabi's almost done with her food."

"Uh... uh..."

Hiashi's eyes rested on Shisui's wrist, before slowly trailing over to his own daughter's throat.

"I noticed you two have matching rings. Could the necklace and bracelet be matching too?"

"Otou-san!" exclaimed Haruki in embarrassment, glaring at her father. "Don't make Shisui uncomfortable!"

"No, no, I'm fine!" insisted Shisui, smiling at his girlfriend. "Actually, well, the necklace and bracelet don't match, but the rings do."

"I hope they aren't engagement rings."

"Otou-san!" berated Haruki, this time more harsh than the last. "They're not! I told you, Shisui and I wouldn't do anything stupid!"

"Hmm. Okay. I just thought it was appropriate for him to meet your entire family properly, considering you've already proven to be familiar with his." Hiashi's voice was pointed as he raised an eyebrow at his daughter, but Haruki ignored it as she turned away and took a sip of water from her glass.

"Thank you again for having me, Hyūga-sama," added Shisui quickly, bowing his head at the clan leader. "It's very nice to be able to meet you properly for the first time."

"Hinata, what are your thoughts on Shisui?"

Haruki groaned and rolled her eyes as Hiashi turned to Hinata for an opinion, catching her off guard as she widened her eyes.


"Do you like him?"

"Y-yes, otou-san. He's very nice to H-Hanabi and I..."

"Even when Haruki isn't looking?"

Haruki turned to Shisui and mouthed 'I'm sorry!' as Hinata trembled under her father's questioning.

"Y-yes, otou-san... Shisui is always kind... and he offered to help me with my training, if I ever needed any help... and sometimes, he helps nee-chan cook for us when you're away..."

"Hmm, alright. Hanabi! What are your thoughts on Shisui?"

Hanabi, whose mouth was stuffed with rice, merely blinked at her father.

Hiashi sighed, and placed a hand against his forehead. Then, he looked at Hanabi once more and said, "How's Shisui?" and then gave her a thumbs up, followed by a thumbs down. Hanabi beamed with her mouth full of food and gave her father two thumbs up, before looking over at Shisui and flashing them at him.

"Everyone in favour of Shisui, give a thumbs up on the count of three," instructed Hiashi, looking at all of his daughters. "One, two, three!"

Haruki laughed as she held up both of her thumbs to her boyfriend, at the same time Hinata timidly offered hers, and Hanabi confidently stuck up hers.

"Well... if the girls like you, then I guess I can too," said Hiashi slowly, nodding seriously. "But that doesn't mean I won't be watching you two any less. Remember that Haruki has a great responsibility to handle as my eldest daughter, and as a role model to Hinata and Hanabi."

"I understand, Hyūga-sama."

Hiashi stroked his chin, as if still unconvinced by his decision to accept Shisui into the fold.

Then finally, he sighed, and said, "Call me Hiashi."

"Y-yes, Hiashi-sama."

"Alright. I see you, Shisui of the Uchiha clan. But if anything happens to Haruki, and if you ever break her heart... her heart won't be the only thing that's breaking. Are we clear?"

"Y-yes, Hiashi-sama! I promise you, I'll protect Haruki's heart with my life!"

Haruki's face went pink in embarrassment as she shot Shisui a look that could only be read as 'what the fuck, man?'

"I expect nothing less. Now, onto other topics, tell us about yourself, Shisui. I've heard a great deal about you from all my colleagues, and I have to admit, I'm impressed with your track record. Tell me exactly everything there is to know about you."

"Well, let me see..."

As Shisui began recalling to Hiashi the narrative that was his life, the three Hyūga sisters listened just as intently as their father did. As Haruki found herself staring dreamily into Shisui's face, she was hit by a feeling so strong she feared that the others would have noticed her jumping in her seat. However, they were all so enraptured by Shisui's words that no one paid Haruki's flustered behaviour any heed, and she breathed an internal sigh of relief.

She wasn't sure how it was possible, but she just kept falling more and more in love with Shisui every day.

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