The Next Generation

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"Into position! Everyone, get into your positions!"


"If anyone else complains, I'm going to Gentle-Fist them all the way to Suna! Get in position, this is a special day for all of us!"

"Please do, I need the holiday! Otou-san, can I get holiday leave if okaa-san destroys me?!"


All 7 of Shisui and Haruki's children let out a collective groan as their mother ushered them into a photo studio, wanting to capture this special moment while the entire family was in the village. While Riku continued his bickering, Shisui laughed as he followed the group from behind and let his wife take control of the situation.

"Don't push it, Riku!"


Over the course of the last few years, Shisui and Haruki's young family had all grown admirably. Haruki's babies were no longer her babies- in fact, her oldest baby was now a fully grown adult, but that didn't stop her from referring to him as her baby.

Now 18, Masumi was a fully-fledged jōnin who was constantly assigned to A-Rank and S-Rank missions, and worked directly for his father in the Anbu. He was a spitting image of his mother, and had chosen to grow his dark purple hair out in what he referred to as the "Hyūga style" of maintaining his appearance, and always wore it in a high ponytail. Much like Shisui had been during his youth, Masumi was one of Konoha's most sought after shinobi, both in terms of skills and appearance. Tall and well-built, with a good face to boot, Masumi was, in plain terms, simply gorgeous.

At 16 and 17, Mamoru, Riku and Sora were also jōnin; however, they had yet to earn the right to become Anbu, and all had made it a goal for themselves to strive towards. They all resembled their father more, with Mamoru inheriting both Shisui's signature wavy hair and deep, onyx eyes. Riku retained his mother's pale lavender eyes, and wore his wavy hair in an undercut; on the other hand, Sora chose to wear his long, straight black hair loose, which he had grown out in homage to his favourite Uchiha uncle.

At 12, Kaname and Kaito were the only chūnin in the family, with the same dark eyes and dark blue hair. The only way the others could tell them apart was from their hairstyles; Kaname's hair was long and tied in a low ponytail, while Kaito's hair resembled Sasuke's during his Academy days. Much like their older brothers, they had been the talk of the Academy, and had their fair share of fangirls swooning over them before they managed to graduate and move forward.

And finally, at the tender age of 9, Hanako had followed in her older brothers' footsteps and graduated earlier than expected from the Academy, and became a genin in her own right. With her promotion to this new rank, the family's official collective status was now complete: they were all proud shinobi of Konohagakure, and pretty good ones at that. The family had all attended Hanako's graduation ceremony together, and since they were all free at the same time for once, Haruki had taken it upon herself to organise a commemorative family photo to mark the special day.

"Look, don't we look cute?!"

Haruki began organising her children around the three seats in the middle of their shoot area, beginning by shoving Masumi, Riku, Sora, and Mamoru into a single file line behind them, before placing Kaname and Kaito on either side of the seats. Finally, the three seats were reserved for the proud parents, and their treasured golden girl Hanako to be placed in the center.

"Okaa-san, how cheesy is this?" complained Mamoru, covering his face with one hand in embarrassment. "Why couldn't we just take the photo in our normal clothes?"

Their cameraperson stood patiently and waited for the family to organise themselves for their shoot, looking amused at all the fuss Haruki was causing to position her children.

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