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As the sweltering heat began to settle in, by the end of June, Haruki found herself growing more and more unmotivated and worn out to complete even the most menial of household chores.

"Hey, Haru-chan! Did you want to do the shopping now, or later?"

Shisui stuck his head into the living room as he directed his question at his wife, who was sitting quietly on the couch as Masumi, Riku, Sora, and Mamoru all played on the floor before her. The visibly sleepy Hyūga glanced over at Shisui with a tired look on her face, giving him a small shrug.

"I'm kind of... tired," she said in a small voice, her tone apologetic as she rubbed her belly. "Maybe we can do it tomorrow?"

"It's okay, you just rest and I'll take the list and get it out of the way. Where's okaa-san?"

"... getting the boys' stuff ready for their baths."

"Alright!" Shisui clapped his hands, garnering his sons' attention and prompting them all to pause whatever they had been doing. "Masumi, as the oldest, it's time for you to learn some responsibility. You're coming with me. Consider this a part of your Academy training."

Shisui's words were met with protest by the three other boys, whom all looked indignant at the fact that he had requested Masumi's assistance alone.

"Aww, no fair!" cried out Riku, throwing the toy boat he'd been holding at his father's feet. "Why can't we come?"

"Otou-san, I want to come too!"

Shisui threw his arms up in protest as the twins and Mamoru crowded around his legs, cutting him off from Masumi.

"Do you lot want to help me carry home all the groceries?" asked Shisui pointedly, raising an eyebrow at the complaining children. "And by help me, I mean carry all of it by yourselves. Hm?"

The Uchiha household's weekly grocery haul was not a small one, and the three children could already imagine themselves struggling under the immense load should they accompany their father and older brother.

Processing their father's words and the consequences of if they were to join his shopping trip, the twins and Mamoru immediately let go of their father and hurriedly stepped away.

"Have fun, Sumi," chirped Riku, waving at his older brother as Sora and Mamoru nodded in agreement. Masumi scowled as the trio turned their heads at the sound of Namiko calling out from upstairs, saying, "Boys! Bath time!"

"Bye, Sumi." The twins and Mamoru waved goodbye to Masumi as they headed towards the staircase, beginning to bicker about who would go first. Masumi threw a fit as he looked up pleadingly at his father, stomping his feet as he whined loudly.

"But otou-san-"

"No buts, Masumi. Come on," insisted Shisui, holding out a hand and beckoning for his son to join him.

"Come on, Sumi," said Haruki softly, shooting her son an apologetic look. "Do you really want your father to do all that work by himself?"

Still sniffling, Masumi went silent as he walked straight past his father and trudged involuntarily towards the front door, his dislike at the thought of having to accompany his father evident in his movements.

"Put your shoes on and wait for me outside!" called out Shisui enthusiastically, sitting next to Haruki and leaning over to plant a great big kiss on her cheek.

"Do you need anything?" he asked with a smile, gently placing a hand over her belly.

Shaking her head, Haruki replied, "Not for now. Also, please don't make Sumi carry more than he can handle. I get that it's only carrying groceries, but still..."

"Don't worry, Haru-chan," insisted Shisui, waving away Haruki's concerns. "I'll bring him back home to you in one piece, don't worry."

"I know, I know. This is one form of... training... I can approve of."

"Any training is good training for me! Why don't you get a nap in before dinner? I'm sure okaa-san will be fine with the other kids," suggested Shisui, poking his pink-faced wife on her forehead. "You look exhausted."

"I really am. I can't wait to get these two out of me."

"Just over a month to go! Kiss?"

Haruki chuckled as Shisui leaned over and kissed her sweetly on her lips, then got to his feet and winked at her.

"Are you going to go up for a nap? I can help you up the stairs."

"No need, I should be fine. Thanks for doing the shopping, Shisui."

"No sweat. See you soon, Haru-chan! Love you!"

Haruki sighed as Shisui bounded out of the house, sinking into her seat as far as she could manage without risking getting stuck.

"... I'm pretty sure you two are both boys as well, right?" she asked quietly, rubbing her belly as she began to doze off. "Right?"

Within a minute, the Hyūga was snoozing away on the couch.

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