Settling In

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"They're very quiet, aren't they?"

Two months following the twins' births, Haruki and Shisui each sat with a child in their arms on their bed as they attempted to put them to sleep. Haruki had taken 6 months off for maternity leave, and although she was enjoying the time off of work being a stay-at-home wife, she knew that it wouldn't be for long. While she juggled taking the other children to school and looking after the newborns at home with Namiko's help, she was conscious of the fact that she would need to return to work as soon as possible to assist Shisui with the financial side of things. He had recently begun taking extra shifts and doing overtime, and Haruki didn't want him to have to worry about all the finances by himself. 

"They're the complete opposite of Riku and Sora," answered Haruki, gently patting Kaname on the back as she rocked him to sleep. Beside her, Shisui was a smiling mess as he kept his eyes on Kaito, relishing in the perfection that was their child. "Well, mostly Riku. Sora was a dream to look after."

"He was," chuckled Shisui, softly poking Kaito's chubby little cheek. "Can you believe we've basically given life to two squads? We have two genin squads literally living under one roof, all because of us. Isn't that great?!"

"It is, but we have one more try," said Haruki, glancing over at her husband. "But I think we can wait a couple more years before we try for our little Hanako. Right?"

"Whatever you think is best," nodded Shisui, leaning down and snuggling his face against Kaito's small, bundled up body. "But... what if it's another boy?"

"It won't be."

Shisui was silent as Haruki gently caressed Kaname's cheek.

"... but even if not, I'll still be happy," added Haruki tenderly, eliciting a quiet sigh of relief from her skeptical husband. "I genuinely love all of my children, Shisui. Regardless of their gender. They're all my babies, and I'll love them all the same."

"The same goes for me," exhaled the Uchiha. "But I really want a girl because all the boys seem to favour you! Why don't they love me the same way they love you?!"

"Because I'm more loveable," teased Haruki, poking her tongue at him. Shisui let out a stifled laugh, careful not to disturb the slumbering twins. "Just kidding. It's the maternity leave giving me more time to spend with them. That's it."

"I won't argue with you being more loveable," grinned Shisui, adjusting his grip on Kaito. "Alright, just you wait. In a couple more years, we'll have our little Hanako and she'll be a complete daddy's girl! She'll be my best friend, and I'll train her to be the best kunoichi! She'll be stronger than all her brothers, and- and she'll become the first female Hokage!"

"It'll still be a ratio of six to one, but sure, whatever makes you feel better."

"Quality over quantity. And what do you mean, six to one?! It's too early for us to judge who Kaito and Kaname's favourites are!"

"Shisui, we're nearly thirty and we're still arguing about this kind of stuff," joked Haruki, shaking her head. "How long is this going to go on for?"

"Until little Hanako has become a genin and activated her dōjutsu," declared Shisui proudly, nose in the air at Haruki's remark as he imagined the type of person their future daughter would be. "And then we see what happens."

"Sometimes I worry, though," frowned Haruki, "that some of the children won't inherit either dōjutsu, and they'll feel inferior to their siblings."

"Our blood is strong. And even then... we can't really foresee this kind of stuff, so it can't be helped."

"You're right. I don't know why I'm worrying myself so much, especially since I know we can't do anything about it."

"It is what it is. And whatever will be, will be. Right?"


Haruki turned her attention back to the twins, seeing that they were now fully asleep and deciding to put them into their cribs.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you two grow up with your brothers," she said quietly, getting to her feet and heading out of the room. "Okaa-san loves you."

Shisui watched as Haruki walked out, smiling at her retreating figure the entire time. It was evident that she was tired, but being able to be at home and raise her children was worth every second.

"You're lucky to have a mother who loves you so much," chuckled Shisui as he got up, lightly bouncing Kaito in his arms. "And I'm lucky to have you all as my children. Becoming Hokage feels easier for me, knowing that I'll have shinobi like you and your older brothers working for me in the future. Aren't I lucky?"

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