Shower Time

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Haruki's anger at her husband was short-lived, to put it nicely.

"Your first night back and you rearrange everything, huh?"

Shisui chuckled as he and Haruki lay in each other's embraces that night, both stark naked and still trying to catch their breath from Shisui's attempt to make up for his doubts from earlier.

"You going off to the supermarket gave me plenty of time to move the kids into okaa-san's room before you came back," smiled Shisui, nuzzling Haruki's neck as he clutched the back of her head. "I don't think she'll mind looking after them for us so we can sleep in a little bit tomorrow."

"Shisui, that's so irresponsible," groaned Haruki in protest, rolling her eyes at his suggestion. "It's only two. I can still get plenty of rest in time to look after them tomorrow morning."

"A mother's love and her responsibilities know no bounds," chuckled Shisui, playfully ruffling Haruki's hair. "I hope you haven't been overworking yourself while I was gone. After telling me how happy she was to see me again, okaa-san started jumping down my throat about taking you on a vacation. Or, as she phrased it, "the honeymoon we never got.""

"Hey, we had a honeymoon!" argued Haruki, mind wandering back to the little five day trip she, Shisui, and Masumi had taken to the Land of the Crescent Moon following their wedding. "It was a nice little family trip!"

"I think she meant going on a trip with just the two of us," mused Shisui, earning a sigh from his defeated wife. "What do you think? We don't even have to be gone long- two to three days works for me as well. We could even ask Mikoto-ba to help okaa-san out with watching the kids- how does that sound?"

"It sounds great, but doesn't make me feel any less guilty," mumbled Haruki, tracing her fingertips on Shisui's bare chest as he watched her.

"I don't want to do anything that makes you feel bad. You can think about it longer."

"I will, I will. But anyway- your eye! Was this mission a retrieval mission after all?!"

"Uh... actually, yes and no. I mean, the mission was to retrieve something, but neither Itachi or I realised that we'd retrieve my eye in the process."

"What? What was the original mission?!"

"Well... it was to kill a bunch of high profile missing ninja in the village Bingo Book who the Hokage saw were plotting something. In total, maybe about... seven? We had to track and locate every single one of them, hence why it took us so long. It was pretty standard stuff, blah blah, we located the first four easily and wiped them out. But this one guy, the fifth one... he didn't appear to have any ties with the woman who stole my eye in the first place, but when we apprehended him... he literally had my eye in his socket."

Haruki shivered.

"That's... gross."

"Yeah, it was. Itachi and I had to gouge it back out of him before we could kill him. His screams were something else."

"It doesn't make sense. Are you sure he and the woman had absolutely no connection?"

"At the time, we weren't so sure. Itachi and I were speaking to the Hokage about it before, and he said he'd look into it deeper."

"How the hell did a random guy end up with your eye?!"

"No eye-dea."


"Sorry, force of habit. I don't know, maybe the lady sold it to him, or her master did. I'm sure a Mangekyō Sharingan wielding eye would fetch a lot on the black market. Either way, I'm just glad I got it back."

"Jeepers, so am I! Let's just hope that none of the kids remember this one eyed phase of yours when they're older!"

"I'm pretty sure Masumi would," chuckled Shisui, closing his eyes as he felt himself sinking into absolute serenity. With his missing eye restored, and finally reunited with his family, Shisui finally felt at peace. This was where he belonged. "By the way, Haru-chan."

"... hm?"

"I told the Hokage that I'm never doing anymore missions that involve me being gone from the village longer than a week. At least, until the kids are grown up. He agreed to it. Even said it was important for me to be around more in their developing years."

"The Hokage is a wise man. Understanding, too."

"And, uh, one more thing..."


"Well, we were so, um, we were, uh, um-"

"Spit it out already, will you?"

"Well, we were in such a rush to get- in bed, that I didn't grab a..."

"... I know, Shisui. Tell that to the semen that's still dripping between my legs."

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not. But I really think we should shower before we go to bed. And change the sheets."

"Words of wisdom right there."

Shisui smiled and pulled Haruki closer, hugging her tightly as he smothered her face with kisses.

"I missed you!" he cried loudly, whining as he continued with his tirade on Haruki's already flushed features. "I love youuuu, Haru-chan!"

"I love you too, Shisui."

Haruki grinned as she reached over and squeezed Shisui's bottom, making him yelp in surprise.

"Shower time," she said with a wink, arousing more than just her husband's suspicions.


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