Thank You

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"Naruto! Slippers for our guests!"

"Yes, okaa-san!"

As Shisui and Haruki entered the Hokage's home that night, Haruki smiled at the sight of Naruto running out to greet them, wearing his signature orange jumpsuit.

"Hi, Haruki-chan! Hi, Itachi's friend!"

Haruki laughed as a cloud of despair formed over Shisui's head, with him begrudgingly taking the slippers Naruto had grabbed for him from the shelf.

"Did you two get married?" asked Naruto as he held out a hand to help Haruki to step up from the genkan. She had unconsciously given him her right hand, on which she wore the promise ring Shisui had gotten her for her birthday.

"Not yet, buddy," laughed Shisui from behind, letting Naruto take Haruki's hand and help her up. The Uchiha then showed Naruto his own ring, and said, "But I'd keep my hands off of her if I were you. For your own good."

"I-I wasn't-!"

"He's joking, it's okay, Naruto," said Haruki kindly, patting Naruto on the head as he froze with indignity. "Shall we head to the dining room?"


Naruto grumbled as he led the way, making Shisui snicker in triumph.

"Shisui!" scolded Haruki lightly, walking after Naruto as her boyfriend followed her from behind.


"You know what!"

Shisui laughed as he held onto Haruki's hips from behind, swaying from side to side as they walked through the corridor.

"What did your dad say, huh?"

"Gave me the same old spiel, but even he knew it couldn't be helped," sighed Haruki as they emerged into the dining room. Shisui's hands automatically dropped from her sides, and they stood patiently as they saw Kushina and Minato busy setting up the table.

"Would you like a hand?" asked Shisui gently, walking over to Kushina's side and offering his assistance. Likewise, Haruki gravitated towards Minato and Naruto, who were now finishing up putting out their dishes.


Within no time, the four adults and Naruto had successfully prepared the table, and they all sat down together to eat. Naruto sat at the head, while his parents sat on one side of the table opposite from Shisui and Haruki.

"It's so nice to have you two over," said Kushina cheerfully, clasping her hands together with a bright smile. "Isn't it, dear? And it's nice to finally have you home as well!"

"Sorry, sorry," apologised Minato meekly, causing Haruki and Shisui to exchange small smiles. "Well, I have nothing else to add. Let's eat!"

"Thank you for the food."

As everyone began to dish out their servings of food, Naruto peered down curiously at Haruki and Shisui.

"Hey, Haruki-chan," he called out as Haruki placed some salad on Shisui's plate, after asking the Uchiha what he wanted.

"Yes, Naruto?"

"How are Hanabi and Hinata?"

"Oh! They're fine, thank you for asking!" replied a surprised Haruki, genuinely touched that Naruto had even thought to ask. "How is the Academy going for you?"

At the mention of school, Naruto pouted and fell back in his seat with his arms crossed.

"It's so boring!" he whined, earning sighs from his parents. "But Iruka-sensei makes it worth it. He even treats me to ramen sometimes!"

"You know, maybe one day I can treat you, Hinata, and Hanabi to some ramen," suggested Haruki, her words instantly making Naruto's face light up.


"If you two do well in the upcoming exams," said Haruki, wagging her finger in Naruto's general direction. "Think of it as incentive."

"I heard you're becoming a genin team leader! Do you think you'd be mine?"

Haruki chuckled.

"Well, you'd have to ask your father that," she said politely, nodding at the Hokage. "Right, Hokage-sama?"

"Please," said Minato weakly, waving away Haruki's words. "Outside of official duties, just call me Minato."

"Noted." Haruki finished placing what food Shisui wanted on his plate, and handed it to him without another word as she moved to start collecting what she wanted to eat. "So, the next lot of genin hopefuls are looking promising, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, indeed they are. I'm hoping that we can get at least half of them to chūnin rank," sighed Minato. "Goodness knows how short we are on shinobi at the moment."

"You're working very hard, Hoka- Minato-sama. Thank you for your efforts. It may not seem like it, but the villagers really do appreciate all your work."

Minato sat up straight, blinking at Haruki with a blank look on his face as she picked up her chopsticks without a second thought.

"... huh."

"Is something wrong, dear?" asked Kushina as she reached over and urged Naruto to sit up and eat properly. Minato gave a bright smile, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"No..." he said slowly. "I just haven't heard anyone say something like that in a long time. Thank you, Haruki-chan."

"It's the truth! Right, Shisui?"

Shisui, who had been silent the entire time, was brought to focus as Haruki called on him for a response. But truthfully, he was still dazed by the way Haruki had naturally reached out to him and asked him what he wanted to eat first. Yes, it was a small gesture, and yes, Shisui could have easily plated up his own food, but the very fact that Haruki had chosen inadvertently to serve him first spoke volumes for the Uchiha.

"Y-yeah! Right!"

Shisui's heart was full, and he simply watched Haruki for the rest of the night, unable to describe how he was viewing her right now. She was the same and hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, yet somehow, his feelings for her had deepened and multiplied.

Haruki had always been kind and caring, but it hadn't really registered in Shisui's mind just how much this aspect of her was one that he loved so much.

He found himself falling in love with her all over again.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt