Namiko's Help

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The walk to Shisui and Namiko's home from the hospital was a quiet one as Haruki kept to herself.

"You have plenty of time to think," said Shisui, trying to be a comfort to his desolate lover. "You heard the doctor. It's not too late."

"... I don't know what I want to do, Shisui."

Shisui grimaced as he opened the front door to his house, where he could hear his mother busy in the kitchen getting dinner ready.

"Shisui, is that you?" came Namiko's voice from down the hallway.

"Yes, okaa-san! Haru-chan's here with me!"


Haruki wiped her face clean as Namiko appeared in the hallway, waving excitedly at the two young jōnin.

"Just in time for dinner! Come on!"

Shisui gave Haruki an encouraging look as he urged for her to follow him, the first step in their plan clear.

"Why do you two look so miserable? You haven't had a fight, have you?"

Haruki tried to force a smile, but found she couldn't even do that. A look of surprise made its way onto Namiko's face, and she glanced awkwardly towards her son.

"No, we haven't had a fight," answered Shisui quietly, making Namiko breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank goodness. But why the long faces? You two look like you just got home from a funeral! Is everything-"

"I'm pregnant."

Haruki blurted out her reason, wrenching her eyes shut as she slammed her fist down on the table. Shisui sighed and dropped his gaze down to his lap, while Namiko froze and blinked at the Hyūga.

"I'm... you're pregnant?"

"Please, okaa-san," said Shisui desperately, not knowing what would happen if his mother didn't react the way he was expecting. "We need your help. Haruki needs your help."

Namiko placed her chopsticks on the table and looked at Haruki with sympathy.

"Are you okay, dear?" asked Namiko softly, the corners of her eyes creasing as she smiled sadly at Haruki's dejected state. "What do you need help with?"

"I don't know what to do," admitted Haruki softly, tears forming in her eyes as she stared mindlessly at the bowl of miso soup before her.

"That's perfectly normal."

"What should I do?"

Namiko frowned.

"Well, that's up to you. But the first question you need to ask is, do you want to keep this child?"

Haruki clutched at her pants in frustration, feeling a pain in her chest as she began to cry once more.

"Yes..." she said truthfully, unable to imagine herself even choosing to abort the fetus. "I do. I made the mistake, so I should have to take responsibility for it."

"Okay, you know you want it. So what's the confusion?"

"If I keep it... who knows what my father will do," wept Haruki, burying her face in her hands. Shisui longed to reach out and comfort her, but he knew that at a time as crucial as this, he needed to give her space to think clearly. "I'll be a disgrace to our family. It'll destroy my father. I don't know how he'll take it."

"Haruki-chan, push all other circumstances out of your head," insisted Namiko. "Ask yourself, honestly and truthfully. Do you want this child? Forget your responsibilities. Forget your family. Do you want this child?"

Shisui couldn't pinpoint what exactly Haruki was feeling, but he knew she was struggling to come up with a precise answer.

"Yes, but-"

"No buts, Haruki. No 'but what will my father think?' No 'but what will my clan think?' No 'but what does Shisui want?' What do you want? Disregard everything else, and listen to yourself. Do you want this child? Do you want to be a mother? Above all else, how do you feel?"

Haruki shook as she pressed her palms against her eyes, crying as she forced herself to push all feelings of guilt and duty out of her consciousness.

"Yes," admitted the Hyūga tearfully, sobbing into her palms. "I love Shisui. I love this child. I want to keep it, and raise it as our own. I'm sorry, Shisui- I really do want to keep it."

"That's fine!" exclaimed Shisui, seeing an opening for him to give Haruki some reassurance. "Whatever you want, I'm with you a hundred percent of the way!"

"See! That wasn't that hard, was it?" asked Namiko, waving her finger around in the air. "So, there's your answer. Keep it, and whatever happens, happens. How do you feel?"

"I'm... still worried, but..."

Haruki looked up as Shisui reached over and gently grabbed her hand, smiling at her enthusiastically. In turn, Haruki found herself smiling, and bowing her head in embarrassment.

"... but I think I can manage."

"Correction. We can manage. I mean, yes you have to deal with your family and the physical aspect of carrying a child, but... you know what I mean."

Namiko wiped a stray tear from her eye, nodding at Shisui and Haruki as they exchanged uncertain smiles.

"All that's left for you is to come clean to your father," said Namiko. "That's up to you two."

Haruki hiccuped as Shisui moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her and laying his head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Haru-chan," he said softly, brushing Haruki's hair aside. "It's okay. It's really okay. You have us."

With a trembling lip, Haruki could only return Shisui's embrace.

Namiko watched on, a sympathetic look on her face as she watched the pair. They were far from children; they were both 20, and perfectly capable of making their own decisions. Namiko had always made it a point to abstain from meddling in Shisui's personal life, mostly because she knew he was an adult who could sort out his own life.

But in that moment, seeing the fear in Haruki's eyes and Shisui's attempts to console her, Namiko was saddened. She had tried to avoid it for the longest time, mostly out of guilt, but Namiko now realised the reality of the situation.

Her little boy really was all grown up.

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