The Competition Continues

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"Heh. That's one point to me."

Haruki snickered as she and Shisui sat outside of the meeting room where her father and the other Hyūga elders were analysing Masumi, Riku, and Sora, just in case the other two showed signs of having the Byakugan as well.

"It's only half a point!" argued Shisui, wagging a finger in his wife's face. "He only has the Byakugan in one eye!"

"It's still more points than you have," said Haruki, poking her tongue out at her husband.

"Very funny! Maybe he has the Sharingan in his other eye! And we don't know about the rest of the kids- what if Masumi was the only special one with one of each, huh? What if all the kids after him are all Sharingan wielders?"

"Have you seen Riku's eyes?"

"Please, eye colour has nothing to do with what kekkei genkai they'll inherit."

"Fair point, fair point. Doesn't change the fact that the Byakugan was the first one to show itself. For all we know, he might not have the Sharingan at all."

"Why are you so against our kids having the Sharingan?" whined Shisui.

Haruki blew a raspberry at her husband, who sat with his arms crossed as he pouted at her. Even now, the competition between their two kekkei genkai was ongoing, and the revelation of Masumi's Byakugan had only strengthened it.

The door behind the two opened, with Shisui scrambling to his feet before holding out a hand to help his wife stand up.

"Hime-sama, please come in," bowed an elder, opening the door for Haruki and Shisui to enter. The couple did so, walking in to see their three children seated in the middle of the two rows of elders on either side of the room. Hiashi sat with Hinata and Hanabi in a third row above the other two, waiting for Haruki and Shisui to sit.

"From what we've gaged, we can confirm that his Byakugan is indeed only limited to his right eye," announced Hiashi, nodding at Masumi. Beside him, Riku and Sora stood up from their seats with giggles, each running towards different clan elders with their arms outstretched and eliciting light laughter from the crowd.

Sit down, mouthed Haruki to Masumi, who pouted as he was just about to follow his younger brothers' lead.

"And you may not know this, but a while ago I spoke with Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of your clan," added Hiashi, glancing over at his son-in-law. "Based on our conversation then about what outcomes would be likely to happen regarding your children, it would appear that the outcome in which your children inherit one of each dōjutsu is what is happening."

"So you mean...?"

"Although we can't see it now, there is a strong possibility that Masumi's left eye will be a Sharingan," said Hiashi firmly. "And, if we follow this trend, the rest of your children will also fare in a similar fashion. Considering you and Shisui are naturally gifted shinobi, with your individual dōjutsu being the best of the best, your children appear to be lucky enough to have inherited your superb genetics. So, congratulations. We look forward to seeing the next generation of prodigies that you two produce."

"You're kidding, right?" spluttered a bemused Haruki, reaching up and tugging at her hair in exasperation. Her worst fears might as well have been confirmed- her children were about to become even harder to handle.

"I'm afraid not. And, if we skip ahead to the next generation, if any of your children were to breed with a member of the Uchiha or Hyūga, then the offspring that follow would inherit the dōjutsu of the clan whose blood they have more of," continued Hiashi. "But if they were to breed with a non-dōjutsu holder, then the chances of any offspring inheriting either dōjutsu are very slim. It all comes down to their bloodline."

"What does this mean for them, then?" piped up Haruki, staring sternly at her father as elders on either side of them exchanged chuckles and played with the wandering twins. "Are they Uchiha, or are they Hyūga?"

"Well... they're both."

"What does this mean, though? If Hinata is the new heiress, does that make my family a new branch family? Will you have to seal away all our Byakugan as well?"

Murmurs went around at Haruki's logical question, everyone wondering what the young family's fate would be.

"Actually..." The room went silent as Haruki's grandfather spoke up, seated in his own corner at the back of the room and far removed from everyone else. "In light of the situation, it has been decided that it would be inappropriate to do such a thing, especially since you are legally all members of the Uchiha clan, and we have no lawful right to impose any of our clan policies and procedures on any of you. However, because you belong to the Uchiha clan, we're even more wary about letting you lot stay unsealed."

"Ojii-sama, there's nothing to worry about," reassured Haruki respectfully. "We're all allies here. We're all a family. Besides, there's no need to worry about anything happening to our dōjutsu any time soon. The children are still young, and as you can tell, I'm not going anywhere either."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. But as for the reason why you and Shisui specifically came to visit us today, yes, Masumi has the Byakugan, and yes, your other children are bound to follow suit. We suggest that when his Sharingan is activated- if he can activate it- that you discuss things with the Uchiha council."

"Understood. Thank you, otou-san. And the rest of the council."


As elders began to rise from their seats and leave the room, Haruki looked to the front and saw Hinata and Hanabi each playing with a twin, giggling away as they ignored what was going on around them. Masumi, who had patiently been sitting in his spot the entire time, looked over his shoulder earnestly at his mother, as if begging for permission to move.

"Up you get, Masumi!" called out Haruki, prompting the little boy to swiftly leap up as soon as she called out. "Shisui-"

"Right, here-"

Haruki held out her arms to Shisui as he stood in front of her, pulling his wife to her feet and making sure she was steady before releasing her from his grip.

"How do you feel about starting up our own clan, huh?" joked the Uchiha as he followed his waddling wife over to her family.

"Still not interested. But you know what I realised?"


"We can settle once and for all whose dōjutsu is superior through our children."


"Easy. When they're old enough, we just ask them which one works better, or which one they like better. The dōjutsu that gets the most votes in the end, wins."

"You're on!"

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