A Second Home

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"Hey, Haruki-chan. Off to visit Shisui?"

As Haruki approached the entrance to the Uchiha compound one evening, she was greeted warmly by three of her comrades as they appeared to be exiting.

"You two are so adorable," gushed the only female of the trio, a young woman named Rin. Her gaze travelled to the grey haired male standing next to her, which didn't go unnoticed by their third member.

"Uh, thank you," said Haruki abashedly, bowing pointedly at the three as Obito scowled.

"Anyways, have fun," chirped Rin, leading the way as she ushered her two friends forward. "See ya, Haruki-chan!"


After splitting from her comrades, Haruki sighed and made her way to Shisui's family home in silence.

"Haru-chan, you know you don't have to wait to be let in!"

Haruki grinned as Shisui opened the front door for her, reaching out and poking her on the forehead.

"Sorry, I still feel like I'm intruding," chuckled the Hyūga as she stepped in, taking off her shoes and putting them in the shelf. Once she had stepped up to Shisui's side, the Uchiha smiled brightly and hugged her tenderly, absolutely thrilled to see her again. They had been dating for around 9 months now, and although their lives were hectic from having to juggle their duties as jōnin and having to shoulder their familial responsibilities, Shisui and Haruki always made sure to meet at least once a week; or at least, when Shisui wasn't away on week long missions.

"Otou-san's in a better state today, but we'll see how things go down," whispered Shisui as he released Haruki and nudged her towards the living room.

"Haruki-chan! Welcome home!"

Haruki smiled politely at Namiko as she greeted her from the kitchen, briefly turning away from the oven to wave wholeheartedly at her guest. Haruki's attention shifted to the living room, where Shisui's father sat on the couch listening to his radio on the coffee table beside his seat.

"Otou-san," said Shisui gently, taking Haruki's hand in his own and leading her to his otherwise unmoving father. "This is Haruki. She's my girlfriend."

"Who?" Uchiha Masumi squinted at the unfamiliar girl before himself, a hand on top of his radio as he eyed her out. "Who are you?"

"Hyūga Haruki, sir. It's nice to see you again."

"Who are you?"

Haruki felt Shisui's disappointment as he deflated beside her, squeezing her hand gently in reassurance.

"Shisui, could you and Haruki-chan set the table for us while I dish out the food?"

"Coming, okaa-san!"

Shisui leaned in to Haruki and placed a small kiss on her lips, which did not go ignored by his father.

"Namiko! Namiko, who are these two children making out in our living room?!?"

Haruki stifled a laugh as Namiko turned to face them with a sigh.

"One of those children is yours!"

"We should let him listen to his radio in peace," snorted Shisui, leading Haruki towards the kitchen and dining area. "Let's get this show on the road!"

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