Like Father Like Son

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"Okaa-san, okaa-san! Look at me!"

"Good job, Masumi," called out Haruki lazily, lounging on the park bench as she supervised the three younger ones playing on the playground. 

On the field to the side, Shisui had been playing ninja tag with Masumi by teleporting back and forth to test his speed; now, he stood face to face with his eldest son, who looked determined to decimate his father.

"Show me what you've got, Masumi!"


Haruki was taken by surprise as Masumi swiftly launched himself at his father, assaulting him with a mixture of punches and kicks filled with such power even she was at a loss for words.

Her jaw dropped as she watched Shisui parry Masumi's hits with a satisfied smirk on his face, and was completely shocked by the ferocity the little boy was displaying.

"Nice!" roared Shisui gleefully, analysing the look of concentration on his son's face as they moved from side to side.

"Masumi, don't hurt yourself!" called out Haruki anxiously, now beginning to feel unease as she watched Masumi up his tempo and hit Shisui with twice as much strength. "Shisui, go easy on him!"

"Don't worry, Haru-chan!" replied Shisui, grinning as he blocked one of Masumi's deft kicks to his shin. "He's- hey! No cheating!"

Haruki gasped as Masumi activated his lone Byakugan, now in turn smirking at his father.

"Not cheating!"

"Oh, you little-"

Before Masumi could advance further, Haruki had gotten up and dashed in between him and Shisui, holding her son by the shoulders as she glared at him in disapproval.

"This isn't a training ground, you two," frowned Haruki, looking over her shoulder at Shisui. "Be mindful of the children around you."

"Okaa-san!" whined Masumi, deactivating his Byakugan as he pouted at his mother.

"No, Masumi. You're meant to be focusing on your studies. There's plenty of time to practise for combat when you graduate and become a genin."

"Right, sorry," apologised Shisui meekly, scratching the back of his head.

"Hmph! Otou-san, why do you always listen to okaa-san?!"

"Why do you?"

"Because... because she's okaa-san!"


"Come on," sighed Haruki, turning Masumi and marching him towards the playground. "Let's go get your brothers and go home."

As she nudged Masumi to walk forward, Haruki turned her attention back to her chuckling husband.

"Really, Shisui?"

"What? He told me he wanted to show me what he learned!"

"How did he learn any of that?!"

"I don't know. But I'm not complaining."

Haruki sighed and shook her head, prompting Shisui to reach out and pull her into a one-armed embrace.

"Don't worry, Haru-chan," reassured the Uchiha, kissing his wife on the forehead. "He's a natural."

"He's five."

"He's our son. What were you expecting, Miss Promoted-to-jōnin-at-fourteen? What happens when you put together a Hyūga and an Uchiha? You get nothing less than an absolute prodigy."

"I don't know," pouted Haruki, wrapping her arms around herself as she stared at Masumi as he began playing with his little brothers. "I was hoping for, you know. Him to be a baby for a little bit longer."

"He'll always be your baby, Haru-chan. Nothing's going to change that."

"Yeah, but I... I guess. I still don't want you encouraging him like this, though. I want him to stick to whatever curriculum he's following at the Academy, and nothing more. He doesn't need added stress or pressure."

"Whatever makes you feel better."

Haruki grimaced as she listened to her children's laughter, mournful as she grew aware of the fact that they were indeed growing day by passing day.

"I wonder if my parents felt like this when I was growing up," wondered the Hyūga softly. "Okaa-san especially."

"Your parents would've been proud of you, Haru-chan. No doubt they still are."

"Well, we know that's debatable."

"Okay, we had a hiccup with your father in the past, but that's all done and forgotten now!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go home."

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