Father and Son

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"Here, let me help okaa-san so you can look after Masumi!"

"No, you can rest with Masumi in the living room. He's been quiet, so he won't be too much for you to handle. Okaa-san and I can do dinner."

At Haruki's decree, Shisui took their son from her arms and backtracked his way into the living room, awkwardly holding Masumi as he settled down onto the couch with the child cradled uncertainly in his arms. Due to the nature of his working days as a shinobi, the Uchiha rarely had time to spend one on one with Masumi- the few times that he did, they were seldom without either Haruki or Namiko present to help him out.

"Hey there, buddy!" greeted Shisui happily as he kissed Masumi on the cheek, holding him up to his face so he could see him better.

Now almost two months of age, Masumi was beginning to bear more and more of a striking resemblance to his mother than anyone had originally anticipated. Although he had inherited his father's dark eyes, everything else Masumi had, he owed to his Hyūga mother. From his dark purple hair, other facial features, and fair skin, Masumi undoubtedly looked like Haruki the most.

Shisui grinned as Masumi stared blankly at him, soundless as he lazily took in his father's features.

"You're so adorable," chuckled Shisui, gently bobbing Masumi as he took in his son's appearance. "You're my kid, holy shit. I'm a dad!"

Still in disbelief at the fact that he had a child of his own, Shisui's face was a look of incredulity as he never once took his eyes off of Masumi.

"Uchiha Masumi," said Shisui, nodding in approval at his son. "I wonder if this is how otou-san felt when I was your age? Maybe? Hi, Masumi! It's me, your otou-san! I helped make you! Isn't that so cool? Me and your okaa-san made you, the most perfect little boy there is! I can't wait for this! I'm going to teach you so much! Well, where should I start... ah! How about..."

As Shisui rambled on and on to Masumi about all the things he was looking forward to doing, he grew so carried away that he remained oblivious to the fact that Haruki stood at the living room door, listening intently with an ever growing smile on her face.

"... but, your mother and I are still talking about whether or not we want you to get into shinobi training straight off the bat, you know? As much as we want you to grow strong and become a great shinobi for the village, we also just kinda want you to stay small forever. Haru-chan and I started training when we were around five or six, but we still want you to experience having a normal childhood. And we don't want to force you to become a shinobi either, but... well, it's kind of already predetermined because of your genetics... but never mind that! Let's do all the fun stuff first!"

Shisui cheered loudly as he held Masumi up in the air, genuine joy and happiness displayed on his face as he smiled brightly.

Haruki's heart melted as she watched the interaction between the pair, a hand on her chest as she smiled at her partner's enthusiasm.

"I'm really happy you're here," said Shisui to Masumi, nothing but love and affection in his eyes as he spoke to his first born. "Really, really happy!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें