Special Eye Powers

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"Alright, boys. What are the rules?"

"No fighting."

"No tantrums."

"If one of us needs to use the bathroom, we all have to go together."

As Shisui finished dressing Mamoru for their day out in the twins' room, Masumi, Sora, and Riku all sat complacently on the carpet as they heeded their father's words.

"Remember that all of you have to be on your best behaviour," reiterated Shisui, pulling Mamoru's shirt over his head. "We don't want anything bad to happen and make okaa-san worried."

"Yes, otou-san." All four boys chanted in unison, making their father chuckle.

"Good. Let's go say goodbye to okaa-san and obaa-san before we leave."

Shisui patted Mamoru on the head as he rose from the edge of Riku's bed, following his sons as they all got up and immediately began making their way downstairs. Mamoru brought up the back, with Shisui nudging him forward to go faster as they approached the staircase.

"Haru-chan!" called out the Uchiha, looking towards the living room as he descended with Mamoru in tow. "We're heading out now!"

Shisui pushed Mamoru towards the living room, where Haruki sat on the couch folding laundry as she was swamped with her three other children.

"Let me know how it goes at the optometrist," she said, having discarded the shirt she was folding in order to hug Riku. "Are you sure about it, Shisui?"

Shisui smiled brightly, excited at the prospect of Masumi possibly needing glasses.

"I'm positive, Haru-chan. We're going to be even soon, just wait."

Haruki rolled her eyes with a smile, before refocusing her attention on her children as they all clambered onto the couch around her. Excited to be going out with their father, it was hard for them to contain their joy at being able to go out and have fun as they unintentionally began knocking over Haruki's stacks of perfectly folded laundry.

"Boys, boys- be careful!" called out Shisui, reaching out and scooping up the twins in his arms. "Look what you've done to okaa-san's laundry! Quickly, say goodbye and go put your shoes on!"

"Sorry, okaa-san!"

"It's alright, Sora. You guys have fun today, okay?"

Haruki leaned towards Sora and Riku as they leaned out from Shisui's arms, both planting a kiss on her cheeks before being put down and shooed away by their father.

"Sumi, Mamoru, you too!"

After kissing the final two goodbye, Haruki sighed as Shisui bent down and began collecting her fallen laundry.

"Just leave them in the basket, I can refold them," she said softly, watching as Shisui picked up and folded every piece of clothing he came across. "What time will you be home?"

"Just before dinner. I think I'll have enough trouble as it is trying to feed them all at lunchtime."

"Alright. I'll make sure okaa-san and I have something nice and tasty for you when you come home."

With a smile, Shisui bent down and kissed Haruki sweetly on the lips.

"I promise to bring them all back in one piece," he insisted, reassuring his wife.

"Shisui, are absolutely sure about Masumi?"

"I'm one hundred percent confident, Haru-chan."

"He doesn't just have poor eyesight?"

"Uh, I hope he doesn't," chortled Shisui, amused at the chances of any of their children needing prescription glasses. "What's the point of being half Uchiha and half Hyūga if you have terrible eyesight? You must've really missed out on the genetics lottery there, pfft! Anyways, it should be temporary, so he won't need glasses for long. I don't know how long it'll be, or when he'll fully awaken his Sharingan, but it'll all happen in due time."

"Alright, if you say so."

"Come on, Haru-chan. Have a little faith. How many people in our families do you know need glasses?"

"... true. Okay, I'll see you when you get home. What do you want for dinner?"

"I don't mind, as long as you make it with love. See you later, Haru-chan!"

Haruki laughed as Shisui blew her a kiss, before walking out to join his sons at the front door.

"Ready, boys?"



"Yes, that's us!"

In the waiting room of the optometrist, Shisui stood up with Mamoru in his arms, followed by each of the twins and Masumi as they were called out by the doctor who would be seeing them. A middle aged man with glasses of his own, the optometrist wore a look of amusement as Shisui ushered all four boys towards his examination room.

"You seem to have your hands full," chuckled the doctor, holding the door open for Shisui as he beckoned everyone into the room.

"Very." Shisui huffed as he sat in the chair before the doctor's desk with Mamoru in his lap, leaving Sora, Riku, and Masumi to squeeze into the chair next to his.

"My name is Yamada. How can I be of assistance, Uchiha-san?"

"Well, long story short, my son Masumi- this one, the oldest- has been having trouble seeing out of his left eye for a while now, but I think it's temporary."


"Well, you see, his mother and I are shinobi. And both our families have a history of dōjutsu, which is like... special eye powers. And the precursor of awakening my family's dōjutsu is temporary problems with one's eyesight until it's fully awakened. We don't know when that will be, so to be safe, we were wondering if it would be possible to get Masumi some glasses for the time being. His right eye is perfectly functional, which is why I thought that the troubles in his left eye were because of the new dōjutsu."

Yamada let out a low chuckle.

"Alright, that's important background information for me. I'll still have to test both eyes though, is that okay with you?"

"For sure!"

"Otou-san, why are we here?" whispered Mamoru to his father.

"We need to check Masumi's eyes," replied Shisui, nudging Masumi to get up and follow Yamada as he rose to his feet.

"We'll need to move into the room next door."

"Okay! Let's go, boys!"

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