Replacement Sensei

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"Haruki-sensei... you look just as bad as you did when we last saw you..."

A few days following her team's promotion, Haruki met with her students outside of the hall where the Hokage would assign them a mission, waving them off as she led the way in.

"Nope, I'm fine!"

Haruki burst into the hall and approached the table where the Hokage sat flanked by his assistants, who were rifling through missions as Team Five entered.

"Haruki-chan," said Minato, blinking at the Hyūga as she stood before him. "You look pale. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Absolutely, Hokage-sama. Team Five, ready to go!"

Although with a frown, Minato nodded anyway.

"Alright. Team Five, are you ready to hear your first mission as chūnin?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


"Hokage-sama, please... I can go..."

Haruki sat on her knees as she leaned against the edge of the Hokage's desk, while her former pupils watched on with revulsion.

"Haruki, you just threw up on some poor man's head!" chastised Minato, pointing towards the window which Haruki had used to jump out onto the roof so that she could throw up on the street below. Rather unfortunately, someone had been walking underneath her at the exact same time she happened to upchuck, resulting in very strong words and a couple of rocks being hurled up at the Hyūga. "You're not fit to go out in this state!"

"I just ate too much," panted Haruki, hanging her head as she leaned against his desk. "I promise... I just need some stomach medicine..."

"Sensei, we ate together three days ago! You shouldn't still feel bad!" scolded Hiyori, who was obviously embarrassed at her teacher's lack of poise.

"I know, I'm sorry," apologised Haruki, banging her head against Minato's desk.

"Haruki, you're unfit to attend this mission. I'll have Kakashi accompany them instead."

"But they're my team!"

"Yes, but you're no use to them if all you're going to do is throw up on the enemy," winced Minato, shuddering at the thought. "No. Haruki, go home."

"Haruki-sensei," said Haruma softly, placing a hand on his teacher's shoulder. "Don't worry about us. We'll be fine. Please go home and get better."

"Please, just go," added Ryūsei, shivering as he tried to forget the sound of Haruki hurling outside on the roof.

"Fine, fine! But when you lot come back, we're going to go straight back into our training! Alright?"


Haruki straggled to her feet, knees weak from how much she had vomited up.

"I'll be... on my way then..."

"Take care on your way home, Haruki."

"Roger... that..."

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