A Helping Hand

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"Ah, good afternoon, Hyūga-san."

Shisui and Namiko bowed as they approached the Hyūga household a couple of days later, after Shisui had explained to his mother what he had witnessed. Hiashi regarded the pair curiously as he analysed the plastic bags in their hands, wondering what on earth they were doing here.

"Uchiha-san," replied Hiashi coolly, his gaze finally resting on Shisui. "What brings you here?"

"We came to wish your family well, especially with the addition of your newborn child," explained Namiko softly, nudging Shisui. "Please, if now isn't a good time, we can just leave these with you and be on our way."

Hiashi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You may come in," he said, waving over his shoulder and walking back into the house. "Please keep the noise down, though. Haruki only just got Hanabi to sleep."

"That's a beautiful name," complimented Namiko, wasting no time in removing her footwear and stepping into the house. Taking the groceries off of Shisui so that he could take off his own shoes, Namiko turned and made her way towards what she thought to be the kitchen, leaving her son on his own as he shut the door behind himself.


Shisui looked up at the sound of a small voice coming from the staircase before him, and looked up to see a miniature version of Haruki staring at him with her pale eyes wide in astonishment.


Hinata was cut off as Haruki descended from the stairs above her, greeting Shisui with an equally surprised look.

"Shisui?" she asked incredulously, urging Hinata to continue forward. "What brings you here?"

"My mother and I got worried about you, so we came to see how you were doing," explained the Uchiha, smiling reassuringly at Hinata as she hid behind her older sister. "Is everything... okay?"

Haruki smiled weakly at her friend.

"No, but it's getting there," she admitted softly, dabbing away a tear as it sprung up. "Hinata, go wait for me in the living room, alright? We'll get lunch started soon."

"O-Okay..." Hinata reluctantly tore herself away from Haruki and dashed towards the living room, leaving her alone with Shisui.

"I'm sorry, Haru-chan," he said quietly, watching as Haruki steeled herself not to cry in front of him.

"No, no, it's fine," she said, sniffling as she patted her cheeks. "Thank you for coming over. Where's your mother?"

"She's probably in the kitchen getting lunch started."

"Oh, no, we don't want to be a bother to you," said Haruki as she turned and headed towards the kitchen. However, Shisui grabbed her by the wrist, and prevented her from going any further.

"Haru-chan," he said softly. "If you need help, just ask me."

Haruki didn't know why, but Shisui's words pushed her over the edge. Soon, she found herself bursting into tears, and clinging onto him as she sobbed into his chest.

Shisui merely held Haruki in his embrace, choosing to comfort her through his actions, rather than through words.

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