Check Up

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A day passed, and then a week, and then another. Then, Namiko grew worried.

"Shisui," urged Namiko softly, standing at her son's bedroom as he lay in bed. "Is everything okay with Haruki?"

"I haven't seen her since our last mission together."

"Could you go and check on her and her family tomorrow?" asked Namiko, her concern for Haruki evident in her tone. Shisui sighed and turned over in his bed, facing the door.

"Okay. I'll go first thing tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, son. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, okaa-san."


At his mother's behest, Shisui stopped by the bakery and markets the next morning to pick up some freshly baked bread and fruits and vegetables for the family before he headed towards Haruki's house.


Dumbfounded, Shisui came to a halt as he opened the gate, peering in and finding the entire complex eerily silent. No a single soul was in sight- and he couldn't sense anyone either, meaning that the entire family had simply upped and gone off somewhere.

"Ah, maybe they're all at the hospital," he thought aloud, closing the gate behind himself as he stepped back with a huff. "What am I meant to do with all this stuff?"

The Uchiha slowly began to trudge his way home, but as he did so, a familiar figure appeared in the distance. Eyes lighting up at the sight, Shisui grinned and waved enthusiastically at Haruki as she approached, flanked by her father holding her little sister's hand, carrying what appeared to be a small bundle in her arms.

However, as she drew closer, there was no way Shisui could pretend that Haruki looked even remotely happy. Upon closer inspection, he saw that her eyes were red and puffy, and dried streaks of tears covered her cheeks as her loosely tied up hair blew in the breeze behind her.

Deciding against running up to the family to congratulate them on the new addition, Shisui stepped into the shadows as they approached, watching silently as they made their way towards the gate. Once there, Hiashi opened the gate for his daughters, ushering them in one by one before closing it behind them.

Clutching onto the bag in his arm, Shisui grimaced at the sight of Haruki looking so forlorn. It can't have meant anything good.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now