Change of Heart

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As Haruki busied herself in the kitchen one morning, preparing Shisui's bento for his mission as he ate breakfast, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" asked the Hyūga curiously, raising an eyebrow as she exchanged a look with Shisui.

"I'll get it," announced Shisui, putting his chopsticks down and rising to his feet. "Thank you again for making me lunch, Haru-chan. I really appreciate it."

"Like I said, no big deal!" called out Haruki as Shisui hurried to the front door, opening it to greet their guest.

"Hello, Shisui. May I come in?"

"I... uh..."

Shisui stepped back from the door, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as he glanced down the hallway.

"Um. Give me a second."

Shisui bowed stiffly as he backtracked his way to the kitchen, where Haruki was meticulously arranging his lunchbox with utmost concentration.

"Uh, Haru-chan..." called out the Uchiha weakly, unsure of how she was going to react to the news of their visitor.


"I think it's for you..."

Narrowing her eyes at Shisui, Haruki dropped what she was doing and followed her jittery partner to the front door, where her questions were all immediately answered.

Standing before her as if he hadn't disowned her and effectively banished her from her own clan, Hiashi grimaced as he came face to face with his daughter.

"Well. Uh, hello, Haruki," greeted Hiashi tentatively, halfheartedly raising a hand in the air. Haruki merely blinked at her father.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in surprise. She was neither spiteful nor bitter against her father for what he had done; not anymore, anyway. She had other things to focus her energy and attention on now. Rather, she was just confused.

"I heard from Neji who heard from Hinata who heard from Naruto who heard from Sasuke that you'd had the baby," explained Hiashi in a strained voice, looking as if he was struggling to come to terms with himself. "And I thought... I'd drop by and check in on you."

Haruki looked at Shisui as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll let you two talk," said the Uchiha softly, before turning and making his way back to the kitchen. Haruki and Hiashi were left standing by the front door.

"Why now?" asked Haruki, knowing that her father wasn't one whose mind was changed easily once he had made a decision.

"Well, because Hinata was too scared to bring your name up, especially when she first heard the news, but eventually she couldn't take it anymore and she only recently confided to Neji what happened," said Hiashi. "And then Neji delivered the news to me."

"Well, okay, but... why?"

"Why what?"

"You disowned me for dishonouring the clan and forbade me from visiting Hinata and Hanabi. Why would you want to check on how we're doing?"

Hiashi sighed.

"I don't expect you to forget or forgive what I said to you that night," said Hiashi grimly. "But just because you aren't the heiress anymore, it doesn't mean that you're not my daughter. Your mother would be rolling in her grave at the way I treated you, and I would be a terrible father for not coming over and setting things straight. I'm sorry for what I said. You haven't dishonoured anyone- I dishonoured myself by ostracising my own daughter. I love you, Haruki. You're my daughter, and it should be my duty to protect you and love you, unconditionally and regardless of what happens. I want you to know that I spoke out of line, and I'm sorry for what I did to you. Before I go, I want to give you to opportunity to say what's been on your mind. If you want to speak to me, of course. Feel free to slam the door in my face now."

Haruki facepalmed.

"Look, I stopped caring a long time ago," said Haruki with a sigh. "I've been too busy with Masumi to even think about what you did and said. And the position of heiress is just a title to me, anyway, so I wasn't too fazed about losing it. Aside from that, your apology is appreciated. Shisui kept telling me you'd come around, but I didn't realise you would physically come around. Thanks for the apology, otou-san. Coming from you, that's a big deal."

"Thank you for listening to me, Haruki."

Haruki crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at her father.

"Are Hinata and Hanabi at school?"

"Yes. I dropped them off before I came over to see you."

"Well, now that you're here... how would you like to meet your grandson?"

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