BONUS: Hanako's Personal Guard

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Author's Note: It's been a hot minute but here's something dedicated to the princess of our family ❤️ Also, thank you all so much for the love, even now after almost two years since this story was published!! I can't believe it's about to hit 500K reads soon!


As soon as Mamoru opened the door to his father's office, he was greeted by a sombre sight.

"Oh? Is this a family affair?" joked the middle child as he let himself in, shutting the door before looking around at all his brothers who were gathered in the Hokage's office.

"Nice of you to join us, Mamoru," said Shisui sternly, his chin resting on the back of his hands as he sat with his elbows propped up on his desk. Seated before him were Masumi, Riku, and Sora, whilst Kaname and Kaito both stood on either side of their father's desk with their arms crossed. Although they all looked just as bewildered as Mamoru was, Shisui's aura alone was enough to overpower the entire room, setting his children on edge as they awaited an explanation as to why they had been summoned.

"Uh..." Feeling his joke fall flat, Mamoru cleared his throat and bowed. "Right. Sorry I'm late, I just heard from the gate guards that you needed me here."

"That's fine." Mamoru felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise as his father continued to speak with an icy tone, sending shivers down his spine.

What's going on? Did something happen?

"Let's get this meeting started then, shall we?" Shisui grimly rose to his feet and slammed his palms onto his desk, wearing a very pained expression as he struggled to come up with the right words to say. "I'm afraid... the day has come."

"The... day?"

Shisui's hands clenched into fists as he looked away from his sons, unable to bring himself to announce the horrific news.

"Your sister..." 

At the mere mention of Hanako, all six of her brothers perked up in alarm.

"Did something happen to Hana-chan?!"

"Where is she? Is she okay? Is she with okaa-san?!"

As the Uchiha brothers fervently questioned their father, Shisui raised a hand to silence them all.

"She's fine," he croaked weakly, clutching his chest with his other hand. "But... I'm afraid..."

Shisui slowly looked up with a sharp glint in his eye.

"... your sister... has been asked on a date."

Chaos ensued.




Shisui hushed his frantic sons yet again, shaking his head at all of them as he tried to make sense of the situation himself. 

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