Reality Check

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"Did Shisui give you any specific details on his mission, okaa-san?"

A month after their wedding- and now five months pregnant- Haruki was on her way to the Hokage's office with her mother-in-law after a surprise summoning.

Holding onto her grandson's hand as he walked between herself and Haruki, Namiko frowned and shook her head.

"Nothing. I thought he would've disclosed that kind of stuff with you?"

Although Haruki was well aware that being summoned to the Hokage's office at a time like this- while Shisui was out on a mission- wasn't exactly a good omen, she had hopes that it didn't have anything to do with her husband.

It'll be fine, she reassured herself, nodding sternly as she held onto Masumi's other hand. It's Shisui. He's fine.


"What the fuck, Shisui!"

While Namiko waited in the waiting room with Masumi, Haruki stormed into her husband's hospital room upon hearing from Minato that he had returned to the village in a critical condition. A doctor silently followed her from behind, shutting the door as Haruki launched herself at Shisui's bed, wailing in disbelief.


Hearing Haruki's agitated voice, Shisui opened the one eye that wasn't under wraps and grinned at his wife.

"Haru-chan," croaked the battered Uchiha. Swathed in bandages with wires running in and out of several different points of his body, Shisui's calm voice was the complete opposite of his ragged appearance. One side of his head was completely bandaged, alarming Haruki.

"What happened?!" exclaimed Haruki frantically, joining Shisui's side and placing her hands on the railing of his bed. "Who did this?!"

"It doesn't matter who," said Shisui softly, attempting to shake his head. "I'm alive, aren't I?"


"Sorry to interrupt, Uchiha-san, but I thought I should give you a full rundown of your husband's medical treatments," piped up the doctor, wielding her clipboard as she stood behind Haruki. "As you know, since his condition was a direct consequence of the mission he was sent on, his treatment is fully covered by the village. However, there are a few points I need to make regarding his recovery at home. Although Uchiha-san is in a much better state now than he was when he first came in three days ago-"

"Three days-?! Goddamnit, why didn't they tell us- no, that's fine, that's fine, I'm sorry, continue!"

"... yes,  although Uchiha-san is in a much better state now than he was three days ago, he is still on a long road to recovery, and I'm going to help make sure you understand how to help him along the way. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes," huffed Haruki, sitting in the armchair beside Shisui's bed. The doctor's eyes trailed towards Haruki's swollen belly, before looking over at her beaten up husband. "Thank you."

"If you don't mind my asking, how far along are you in your pregnancy?" asked the doctor, wondering how Haruki would be able to handle dealing with her severely wounded husband as well as any soon-to-be-born children.

"Only five months," sighed Haruki, looking over at Shisui with a gloomy look on her face. "I only look big because they're twins."

"Congratulations!" gasped the doctor, clasping her hands together at the news. "But, also, I ask because I'm concerned about how well you'll be able to take care of your husband, considering your current state. Do you have anyone who could help you?"

"Yes. We live with my mother-in-law, so she should be able to help."

"Okay, that's great! So shall I go over your husband's rehabilitation with you now and have you relay that information to her later on, or would you like to discuss things on a day when she's present?"

"Oh, she's here right now. She's in the waiting room with my son."

"Ah... oh... you already have a child?"

Even though he really wasn't in the state to, Shisui snickered from his bed at the doctor's bewildered tone.

"Haru-chan and I started young," joked the Uchiha, earning a glare from his worried wife.

"Could you tell me your mother-in-law's name?"

"Namiko," said Haruki, before turning back to Shisui and saying, "Shisui, please save your energy."

Meanwhile, the doctor nodded, and said, "I'll fetch her right away. Please wait a little while," before bowing and ducking out of the room.

"Look at you!" said Haruki mournfully, turning her attention back to the Uchiha. "I'm glad you're back alive. But I took it for granted, all those times you came back to us safely and in one piece! Look at you! God, don't tell me-"

Haruki tentatively placed her hand on Shisui's left cheek just under his bandages, running her fingertips over his skin as she activated her Byakugan to get a better scope of the depth of his injuries.

And she did not like what she saw.

"By the way, Haru-chan, I might as well tell you now before you find out the hard way... I may have... kind of... had my left eye stolen."

"I can see that! HOW?!"

Flabbergasted by Shisui's outrageous revelation, Haruki could only stare at the bandages around his head with her jaw hanging wide open as she deactivated her Byakugan.

"It's a long story, really."

Haruki sat back down in her seat with a huff, still trying to wrap her head around the situation.

No matter how talented, great, or gifted of a shinobi Shisui was, there was always the risk of him coming back like this; or even worse, not coming back at all.

Haruki had been living under the false impression that Shisui was untouchable, and that he would always return home to his family safe and sound.

To return home injured was one thing, but to return home with one eye gouged out?

This was the reality check Haruki needed.

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