Acceptance & Moving On

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"Yes, thank you for coming."

Uchiha Fugaku bowed at the guests as they exited the venue for Uchiha Masumi's wake, which was attended by people from all across the village who had known the deceased. But to his biggest surprise, the guest which stood out to him the most was the heiress of the Hyūga clan. Although she had sat quietly in the seat farthest from the front, she stood out like a sore thumb to Fugaku. Interactions between their two clans were minimal, and she wasn't at an age where she would've fought alongside Masumi in the previous shinobi world war. Her relationship to the dead man was one that Fugaku found very odd, but it wasn't until his gaze rested on Shisui at the front of the hall that he put two and two together.

"How interesting," said Fugaku, watching as Haruki sat patiently and waited for all the other guests to exit. Once everyone had left, she was approached by Shisui and Namiko.

"Thank you for coming, Haruki-chan," said Namiko mournfully, hugging the Hyūga as she stood up. "It means a lot to us. Even though Masumi couldn't show it, I'm sure he was pleased that Shisui has a young woman like you in his life."

"It's the least I could do," said Haruki, hugging Namiko back as she felt the woman's tears begin once more.

"No," croaked Namiko, squeezing Haruki tightly. "Shisui already told me about what you did for us, even before you two started seeing each other. You've done so much for our family, Haruki. Thank you so much for all your help. Especially with organising all of this. I know I was relying on Shisui for a lot of this, but I know you were just as involved as he was. I'm sorry that the two of you had to deal with so much at such a young age."

"Okaa-san, I'm not a child anymore," said Shisui gently, standing behind his mother and girlfriend as they embraced. Namiko sniffled and pulled away from Haruki, beckoning for her son to go to her.

"No, you're not," she whispered, hugging him with one arm. "You never were. I'm so sorry for taking that away from you, Shisui. You should have been able to experience your childhood, but we took that away from you. Please forgive us, Shisui."

"You never took anything away from me, okaa-san. Please don't feel like that."

Namiko stifled another cry as she pulled away from her son, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve.

"I'm going to stay here a little longer with your father. Haruki, you wouldn't mind leaving ahead with Shisui, would you?"

"Of course not." Haruki took Shisui's hand in her own, bowing at Namiko. "We'll wait for you."

"Thank you. I'll see you two later."

Haruki gently pried Shisui away and led him out of the hall, where Fugaku stood by the door waiting for them to leave.

"Could you relay our thanks to your father for sending you to represent your clan?" asked the Uchiha clan leader, arms crossed as he looked down at Shisui and Haruki's linked hands. "It surely is an honour that the heiress herself was able to attend one of our finest shinobi's send off."

"I will," nodded Haruki curtly, not wavering once under Fugaku's suspicious gaze. "Thank you for having me, Uchiha-sama."

"Thank you for coming. How are you feeling, Shisui?"

Fugaku turned his inquisition towards his quiet nephew, watching as he stared blankly at the door behind him.

"I'm fine. I just feel sad for okaa-san, though."

"You be a strong boy and look after your mother. Alright?"

"Of course."

Fugaku nodded at the pair.

"I suppose you two are headed off, then. I'll see you later, Shisui. Thank you once again for attending, Haruki-san."

Haruki and Shisui made their way out of the building and out onto the compound streets, where life continued on around them. Walking slowly as they passed by other Uchiha clan members who were otherwise ignorant to the wake that had occurred within the family hall, Haruki glanced at Shisui.

Since his father's passing, he had not shed a single tear. Now that in itself wasn't alarming for Haruki, but the fact that he was so quiet disconcerted her.

"Shisui, are you okay?"


The Uchiha looked over at Haruki, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, squeezing her hand in reassurance. "Thank you for your help, Haruki. You really don't have to do all the things you do for me and my family."

"Yes, I do. That's out of the question."

They continued in silence as they headed back towards Shisui's family home.

"Shisui... are you... really okay?" asked Haruki softly.

Shisui sighed.

"I'd accepted a long time ago that he'd pass away eventually," he admitted forlornly. "I just didn't know when."

"I'm sorry, Shisui."

"You shouldn't be. Even though I wish you could've known him earlier on, I'm glad you got to meet him before he died. He would've adored you as much as okaa-san did."

"I'm glad I got to meet him too."

Haruki leaned her head on Shisui's shoulder, wrapping her arm around his waist as they walked.

"What should we make for dinner? Your mother might not be hungry when she gets home, but we can never be too sure, right?"

"You're an absolute blessing, Haruki of the Hyūga clan."

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