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"Congratulations, Hyūga-san. Uchiha-san. He's a perfectly healthy baby boy."

Following Haruki's gruelling labour, she was finally rewarded for her efforts with a healthy, loud, baby boy, with fair skin and faint wisps of dark purple hair reminiscent of his mother's.

"We'll leave you be."

As the doctor and nurses excused themselves from the room, Haruki was left with Shisui and Namiko at her side as she lay with her newborn son on her chest. All cleaned up and wrapped up in a soft blanket, little Masumi slept quietly and contently on his exhausted mother, a vast difference from when he had entered the world screaming his head off.

"Haru-chan," croaked Shisui softly, wiping his eyes as he began to cry. "He's perfect!"

"I know," whispered Haruki, closing her eyes as placed a hand on her son's back. Namiko smiled, and placed a hand on Shisui's shoulder.

"I'll give you two a moment, okay?"

With that, Namiko silently took her leave.

"Shisui, do you want to hold him?" asked Haruki softly, smiling at the sight of her usually fearless and stern partner in a blubbering mess. Shisui sniffled and nodded, wiping his eyes as he leaned down to pick up his son.

"Thank you, Haru-chan," said Shisui in a dry voice, with nothing but love in his eyes as he gazed at his child. "Thank you!"

"More like thank you for your sperm," chuckled Haruki, making a smile crack across Shisui's tear stained face. "We made a kid. Can you believe it?"

"Barely," whispered Shisui, gently lifting Masumi to his face and nuzzling him in the belly. "He's the most perfect thing I've ever laid my eyes on."

Haruki could only smile.

"Uchiha Masumi. The second," she laughed. "Boy, has he got some big expectations to live up to!"

"He's going to be one hell of a shinobi, that's for sure!" grinned Shisui, more tears of happiness beginning to fall as he held his son up in the air. "A descendant of both the Hyūga and the Uchiha. And descended from the Hyūga clan's main family too, no less! Honestly, I bet Masumi would be able to beat both of our asses by the time he's grown up!"

"Hey, don't say that!" scolded Haruki warningly, wagging a finger of disapproval at Shisui. "He may be more powerful, but we're still his parents!"

"You're right," smiled Shisui, still staring tenderly at the bundle that was his son. "Hey, Masumi! It's your otou-san here! Your okaa-san and I can't wait for you to grow up!"

"They say time goes fast," sighed Haruki, relaxing herself as she sunk back down onto her pillow. "Be careful what you wish for. He'll be grown in no


Now that Masumi had safely made it into the world, Haruki's thoughts wandered towards her father and sisters. Ever since her disownment, she hadn't had any form of contact with them whatsoever, mostly because Hiashi had strongly forbidden Haruki from communicating with her sisters at all, and she didn't want to get them in trouble by ambushing them elsewhere.

"Haru-chan? You okay?"


Haruki broke out of her thoughts as she smiled at Shisui.

"Haru-chan. We made a baby!"

"Yes. Yes we did. But next time... maybe check the expiration date on those condoms of yours."

The pair laughed, having previously found out the reason for Haruki's unexpected pregnancy even after they'd taken precautions to ensure it didn't happen.

The culprit? An expired condom.

"I'm sorry," apologised Shisui sheepishly, still blaming himself for the mishap.

"It's okay. We have a kid now. Can you believe it?"

"Barely. Oh my god, Haru-chan. We're parents!"

"We're gonna be the best goddamn parents around, that's for sure!"

Shisui moved closed to Haruki, bending down so that he could kiss her.

"I love you," he said softly, brushing her bangs out of her face as he held Masumi in his other arm.

"I love you too," replied Haruki, closing her eyes. "I think I'm going to go to sleep now. I'm drained."

"You did a good job, my love," nodded Shisui, swaying with Masumi as he watched Haruki make herself comfortable. "I'll look after him for now. Goodnight, Haru-chan."

"Goodnight, Shisui... Masumi."

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