Best Friends

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"Kaa-chan... where's nii-chan?"

As time passed, Hanako became just as much as a star child as Masumi had been at her age- however, due to Shisui's duties as Hokage, he wasn't around to give her the same amount of tutoring and training that he'd given to Masumi. That didn't stop her, though- she continued to grow exponentially with her parents' and siblings' help when they had the time to offer it, and it was beginning to show during her time at the Academy.

"Sumi, Mamoru, Riku, and Sora are on a mission," explained Haruki over dinner one night. As had become the norm, the total amount of family members who were seated around the dining table was minimal, and usually consisted only of the females. "Kaname and Kaito are out training. They should be home soon."

Hanako pouted as she toyed with her food, the disappointment evident on her little face as she activated her Byakugan in her left eye.


"At work, darling. Come on, eat up," insisted Haruki, saddened at the sight of Hanako looking so forlorn. "Why don't we go and practice outside once we've eaten dinner and cleaned up?"

"Leave the cleaning to me," chuckled Namiko, noting her granddaughter's somber mood. "You two just eat and go about your business."

As they resumed eating, Hanako suddenly gasped.


Without further explanation, Hanako shot out of her seat and sprinted towards the front door, which was opened moments later to Shisui announcing his arrival.



Haruki and Namiko both snorted as they heard the father-daughter duo exchange their greetings at the front door, and turned to see Shisui walking into the house with Hanako perched comfortably in his arms with her own wrapped around his neck.

"Are you eating your food, Hana-chan?" asked Shisui seriously, brow furrowed as he gave his daughter a serious look. Hanako merely laughed and buried her face in his chest, her legs kicking with excitement as he reached Haruki and bent down to give her a kiss.

"Hello, my love," he said, before nodding at his mother and sitting down. "I thought I'd come home early, knowing that most of the boys are out."

"Tou-chan, let's practice after dinner!" exclaimed Hanako enthusiastically, her mood totally changed now that her father had returned home. "Kaa-chan taught me a new jutsu!"

"Oh, really? What jutsu would that be?"

"Henge no jutsu!"

After being submerged in a puff of smoke, Shisui roared with laughter as he found himself carrying a full copy of himself, even bringing Haruki and Namiko to tears at the incredulously absurd sight.

"Look, kaa-chan! I did it!" said Hanako in her father's voice, further exacerbating the adults' howls of laughter as she held onto her father.

"Okay, I see, I see," wheezed Shisui weakly, threatening to lose his grip on his daughter as he continued to cackle at her transformation. "R-Release it, H-Hana-chan..."


Hanako did as her father requested, reverting to her regular, small figure with a giggle.

"Tou-chan, let's play!" whined the little girl, pulling at her father's hair as he attempted to sit at the table with her.

"Hanako, eat your food first," said Haruki seriously, pointing at her daughter's plate. "And let tou-chan have something to eat too."

Although with a pout, Hanako said, "Okay!" and jumped back to her seat, picking up her chopsticks.

"Tou-chan, race to see who can finish first?"

Shisui chuckled as he picked up his chopsticks, shooting Hanako a look of determination.

"You're on!"

"Looks like you finally got someone on your team, huh?" smirked Haruki, earning a scowl from her husband.

"Kaito was borderline, so you can't claim him yet," shot back Shisui, beginning to gather food for himself.

"Okay, okay," said Haruki, still not buying his defence. Namiko groaned, and slapped a palm to her forehead.

"You two are still going on about that? First the dōjutsu competition, now this?!"

"I've won both," reminded Haruki. "I mean, they have both, but everyone activates their Byakugan before their Sharingan, so like... yeah. I still count that as winning."

"What's Sharingan?" asked Hanako, stuffing her mouth with rice as she looked up at her parents with wide eyes.


Hanako's jaw dropped as her father activated his Sharingan for her, face full of amazement as she gawped at his eyes.

"I want one," stated the young girl bluntly, putting her chopsticks down.

"You have one," said Shisui softly, reaching out and gently poking the skin underneath Hanako's right eye. "You just have to turn it on."


"When you're older," assured Haruki. "Come on, eat."

"If you activate yours before Kaname and Kaito, I'll take you on my next trip to Suna!" offered Shisui, making Haruki gasp in bewilderment.

"Shisui, that's not-"

"Okay! What's Suna?"

Haruki could only groan as Shisui and Hanako giggled, beginning to update each other on their days at work and school.

"... I have a meeting with the Mizukage next week, so I'll be gone from the village for a while. Do you want me to bring you anything from Kirigakure?"

"Can I come?"

"I'm afraid not this time. But my offer for Suna still stands!"

"Hmm. What does Kirigakure have?"

"Well, they're pretty famous for..."

As the pair chatted amongst themselves, Namiko and Haruki turned to each other with knowing looks of amusement.

"They really are best friends, huh?" chuckled Namiko, taking a sip of her tea as she leaned back in her seat.

There was no mistaking the absolute love and adoration Shisui had for his daughter- it was heartwarming, really. From the very moment Hanako had been born, the two formed a bond that was both indescribable and unbreakable, and unique from any other relationship he shared with his sons.

"Yeah," ceded Haruki, smiling to herself as she shook her head. "They are."

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