You're the One

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"Yay yay yay yay yay yay-"

"What's gotten you so excited?"

Shisui watched Haruki in amusement as she bounced up and down on their bed that Friday night, having just finished putting all four children to sleep. The Uchiha was busy changing into his pyjamas as his wife overtook their mattress, smiling brightly as she threw her arms up in the air.

"It's the weekend tomorrow!" cheered Haruki. Her hair, which was tied in a loose bun atop her head, flopped around violently as she continued jumping around. "That, and the fact that this week has been a complete success!"

"All thanks to you and Iruka for holding it down," hummed Shisui, buttoning up his pyjama shirt as he walked towards his side of the bed. "Lights?"


Switching off the lights as he approached, Shisui got into bed and felt Haruki's jumping cease.

"But, I'm kind of worried... what should we do about Baki?" asked Haruki, rolling over and throwing her arms over Shisui as she snuggled into his side. "We've planned for everything except what we're going to do with our own homestay."

"I'm sure he won't mind chilling tomorrow, considering we've had such a long and hectic week. He can follow along with our weekend chores and hang out with us and the kids at home. We should arrange for your father and the girls to join us in having dinner or lunch out with him and Pakura on Sunday."

"Ahh, that's not a bad idea. I'll stop by home and ask them tomorrow when I go to the grocery store. I'll take okaa-san with me, and you can look after the kids while we're gone, right?"

"Fine by me."

Shisui smiled as he felt Haruki begin to run her fingers through his hair, feeling nothing but complete security in her embrace.

"I'll get up early, make breakfast for everyone, and then go out with okaa-san to the shop. We'll leave everyone's food out, but do you think you could sort the boys out and get them ready for the day while we're gone?"

"Of course, my love."

"Alright. That's that sorted. Is there anything else you want to say before we say goodnight?"

"... yes, actually."


"That vacation we were planning on taking... can we make it longer?"

"... how long?"

"A week?"

"... if that's what you want, then I'm fine with it. We should probably warn okaa-san about it now so she can wrap her head around it though."

"You're really okay with being away from home for a week? From the boys?"

"Shisui, if you want to extend it, then I'm fine with it as well. I need to give you just as much priority as I do the boys. I mean, yes, they are my sons and I have the responsibility of putting them first, but you deserve some priority too. I mean, I love all four of our boys, but really, you were the first boy I fell in love with."

"Aww, Haru-chan!"

Haruki gasped in surprise as Shisui rolled over and ferociously began hugging her, smothering her as he rolled onto her and clutched tightly onto her body.


"You weren't the first girl I fell in love with, but you're the one I love the most!"

"Yes, Shisui, I'm very familiar with the crush you had when you started the Ac- ack!" Haruki spluttered as Shisui reached down and pinched her lips shut.

"Shh, don't talk about it. She doesn't matter anymore."

"But you're the one-"

"Shh. No, you're the one."


"Shh. I love you, Haru-chan."

Shisui placed his lips on Haruki's before she could argue any further, silencing her as he held her in his embrace.

"Goodnight, Haru-chan."

"Pfft. Goodnight."

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