Team Dynamics

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"Well, well, well! Look who finally decided to join us!"

Three days after their stopover at the fishing village, Shisui and Haruki successfully managed to meet up with the leader of the group who'd hired them- a woman named Atsuko- at a port at the end of the Land of Tea. She had agreed to postpone their journey to the island Land of the Sea until their reinforcements arrived, and didn't have to wait long.

Within one day of Shisui and Haruki's arrival, they were joined by two of their comrades.

"Hey, Haruki-chan!" smiled Rin as she and Obito were escorted to the meeting place by one of the leader's men.

"Hi, Rin," said Haruki, nodding at the Nohara as she joined them in the meeting room of their hideout.

"Hello, Obito," smirked Shisui, earning a deathly glare from his relative.

"Thank you all so much for joining us," sighed the female leader as Rin and Obito took their seats. "This means so much more to us than you know."

"We're here on a mission. There's no need to thank us. We were told you'd give us more information regarding our target; who is he?"

The woman, a middle-aged woman with her greying black hair pulled back into a loose bun, sighed and covered her face with one hand.

"My twin brother, Kazuhiko," she said tiredly. "After our father died, he usurped power from our older sister, Sachiko, and had her murdered. Now he's driving the whole nation into the ground, and if he keeps going like this, there's not going to be anymore Land of the Sea for him to run."

"I see." The four Konoha shinobi exchanged looks.

"The people are tired," lamented Atsuko, looking devastated at the fact that she had to resort to such a horrible and cruel method. "I can't sit here and do nothing."

"Don't worry about it, Atsuko-san. We'll get him," said Haruki strongly, nodding at her comrades.


"For sure."

"Thank you, you four. The boat will be ready for your departure first thing tomorrow morning. Security has been tightened on who can come and go from the main island, so I ask that you please be careful."

"Understood, Atsuko-san. We can handle it from here."

"Thank you," breathed the woman. "Please get some rest."

"We shall. Goodnight, Atsuko-san."

Standing up, Shisui led the way for his three teammates as they all bowed at Atsuko, before excusing themselves from the meeting room and heading towards their respective rooms. Since there were only two available, the original plan had been that if the backup sent was another male and female pair, the two males would take one room, and the two females would take the other. Naturally, Haruki had assumed that she and Rin would take one room, and the boys would take the other- however, Shisui had other ideas.

"Goodnight, you two!" he called to the pair as he stopped in front of one room, grabbing Haruki by her wrist and waving at Obito and Rin.

"Shisui, what are you-"

Haruki was cut off as Shisui pulled her into the room, shutting the door with a snigger.

"I thought we discussed this already?"

"That was before we found out who our backup was. Obito and Rin? Come on, Haru-chan," whined Shisui. "I want to see how tonight pans out!"

"You're so sly, Shisui. But I have to say... I'm pretty curious too. Their whole team dynamic has been an intriguing one to watch, even from way back in the Academy. Obito likes Rin? Rin likes Kakashi? There's no Kakashi here in between them?! What will happen?!"

"I know, right?!"

The couple laughed as they kicked off their shoes, heading straight to bed.

"Goodnight, Haru-chan," said Shisui softly, still smiling brightly as Haruki eased herself into bed beside him.

"Goodnight, Shisui."


It was not a good night.

"Thanks for letting me crash with you guys."

Haruki and Shisui grimaced as Obito wedged himself between the pair later on in the night, a satisfied look on his face as he did so.

Too tired to get up and move to Rin's room so that there was enough space, Haruki shot Shisui an irritated glare as he smiled at her apologetically.

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