None the Wiser

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"Good gosh, Shiruki. What should I start with?"

Haruki and Shisui exchanged glances as they stood before the Hokage's desk one evening, having been called to briefly speak to him when Haruki dropped by to pick Shisui up on her way to pick up the children from daycare.

Minato shuffled a stack of papers as he looked up at the couple, beaming brightly.

"First of all, the Suna visit was a success! The Kazekage recently contacted me with nothing but praise for you two based off of what he heard from his children and Pakura and Baki, and has said that he plans on hosting a similar event for our Academy children to attend in Suna next year. If possible, he'd like you two to be the ones to escort our children!"

Haruki smiled as Shisui uttered a small, "Yes!" fist-pumping and adding, "That's great! You hear that, Haru-chan?!"

Shisui reached over and high-fived his wife excitedly, who chuckled at his reaction.

"Good work, partner!"

"Next! Regarding Shisui's request for a week off, consider it done! It's paid leave, so please enjoy yourselves without worrying about finances! I hope you two enjoy your week off!"

"You really didn't have to, Hokage-sama," said Haruki, smiling at the Hokage. "Unpaid would have been fine as well. But thank you so much."

"Speak for yourself, Haru-chan! We need all the money we can get if you're going to be out of work for a month!"

"You think I'm going to lounge around during the break?! I'll be working too, thank you very much! I may be an Academy teacher, but I'm still a jōnin, you know! There's plenty of work around the village that needs to be done. Right, Hokage-sama?"

"Uhh... yes..?"

"I was just kidding," laughed Shisui, throwing an arm around Haruki's shoulders and pulling her towards him so he could ruffle the top of her head. "She's not serious, Hokage-sama. Is there anything else you wanted to add?"

Minato smiled softly at the couple's interaction, watching as Haruki remained in a headlock with a dark scowl on her face while Shisui beamed brightly at him.

"Actually, yes."

The change in Minato's tone prompted raised eyebrows from the two jōnin. The shock was enough to prompt Shisui in releasing Haruki so that they could both stand properly before their leader, dropping all playfulness and adopting the appropriate demeanours required.

"Well. How do I say it? Ah. It has been seventeen years since I was first appointed Hokage. Does that give you any hint as to what I'm leading on to?"

"Nope," answered Shisui, popping his tongue after his single worded reply. Haruki sighed and punched him in the arm, leaning forward to speak to the Hokage.

"You're still young, Hokage-sama!" argued Haruki, eyes wide at the Hokage's sudden proclamation. "Look at Lord Third- he stayed as Hokage well into his fifties!"

"Trust me, Haruki-chan, I'm not really trying to follow in his footsteps," joked Minato, clasping his hands together. "You seem to know what I'm getting at. But... Shisui?"

"None the wiser, Hokage-sama."

Haruki groaned and slapped a palm against her forehead, unsure of whether Shisui was being modest or actually had no idea what the Hokage was trying to say. Knowing him, either possibility was very likely.

"Well, even though I have a few more years left in me to run this village, I want to name my successor now so that he has plenty of time to prepare, plan, and anticipate the extraordinary workload and responsibilities that come with the title of Hokage. Before I submit my decision to the council... Uchiha Shisui, do you accept my election of you as my successor and expectantly, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure?"

Even though she knew that the Hokage would be dropping that very question, Haruki still gasped in surprise as she covered her mouth.

"Huh?" Shisui's jaw was agape as he stared at the Hokage, and it was evident by the shock on his face that he hadn't been trying to be modest at all- he genuinely had no idea what the Hokage had been pertaining to.

"You don't have to answer me now," chuckled Minato, amused by the awestruck look on his candidate's face. "But do think about it. I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't think you weren't capable. You're one of our village's strongest jōnin, and you've had multiple experiences that other people would and wouldn't have had, which gives you the type of insight, open-minded thinking, and relatability needed when it comes to dealing with both shinobi and non-shinobi. You're well respected by several powerful shinobi around the world, and as normal folk as well.

"Please think about it."

Haruki watched Shisui carefully, unsure herself of what was running through his mind.

"... I have, Hokage-sama. I am honoured that you have selected me, of all people, as your successor. I accept your decision."

"Wonderful!" Minato's face broke into wide smile as he heard the good news, pleased that Shisui had accepted his future role. "Well, if you have any other questions, you know where to find me! Also... Iwagakure has expressed their interest in a programme similar to what we offered Sunagakure, but obviously not too soon! But still, it's better to plan now rather than later, so..."

"Very well, Hokage-sama. I'll reassume my position at your desk next week."

"I definitely chose the right guy. Hey, instead of full-time with me in the office, why d- oh dear! I wasn't paying attention to the time, you two have children you need to pick up! Stop by my office next time, Shisui, and we can talk more in depth! Go on, get the kids! Goodnight, you two!"

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Haruki and Shisui bowed deeply at the Hokage before backing out of the room. After closing the door after themselves, the couple managed to walk coolly down the hallway before they finally turned to each other and let out cries of victory.


Haruki squealed as she jumped up and down, before leaping onto Shisui and latching herself onto him fervently.

"OH MY GOD, SHISUI!" continued Haruki erratically, making herself comfortable as Shisui supported her weight while she squeezed him tightly. "HOKAGE! HOKAGE!"

Haruki took Shisui's face in her hands and cupped his cheeks, a proud look on her face as she found the willpower to overcome her excitement and speak calmly.

"I am so proud of you," she whispered, rubbing his cheeks with her thumbs as they locked gazes. "I always knew..."

Shisui chuckled, smiling gently at his wife.

"Thank you, Haru-chan. For always believing in me."

They shared a warm, passionate kiss.

The news was good reason to celebrate.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang