Another One

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"Masumi. Can you activate your Byakugan?"

After Shisui and Haruki had farewelled their Suna students at the village gate the next day, they returned home straight away to put Pakura's words to the test.

Sitting in the middle of the living room as Mamoru and the twins played with their toys on and around the couch, Haruki and Shisui sat crossed-legged across from Masumi as he sat with a pout evident on his face.

"Come on, buddy," said Shisui coaxingly. "Can you?"

Masumi sighed and closed his eyes, before opening them once more to reveal his activated Byakugan.

"My god," muttered Haruki, having not expected that outcome. "What can you see?"

"Obaa-san in her room folding her laundry, three birds on the roof, you and otou-san's room, the dog next door in their garden, and a man across the road trying to get into his house."

With a frown, Haruki activated her own Byakugan to rectify her son's claims.

"He's right," she confirmed, seeing everything as Masumi listed. "He can see across the road now. Masumi, how many times have you used your eye since the first time?"

"Uhh..." Masumi frowned as he held up one hand, making Haruki go faint as he began counting off the times. "... eight... nine. Nine."

"Why didn't you ever tell one of us?" implored Haruki, anguished that Masumi had been toying around with his dōjutsu but refrained from imparting that information with his parents.

Masumi merely shrugged.

"Can you turn it off?"

Closing his eyes for a few seconds, Masumi reopened them to reveal perfectly dark irises.

"Okay. You can go and play now," said Shisui softly, earning an excited "YAY!" from Masumi as he dashed off to join his brothers. "Haru-chan. Are you okay?"

"No," sighed Haruki in disappointment. "He's too young, Shisui."

"I know, I know. But it can't be helped. If we don't start training him right from the beginning, we won't be doing him any favours."

"... I guess. What do we do?"

"Well... why don't we put him into the Academy when he turns five and see how it goes?"

"That's so near, though..."

"We don't have to decide just yet. Tell you what, why don't you ask around for advice, and I'll ask the Hokage what he thinks. What do you say?"

"We all know the Hokage's just going to say, 'enrol him!' or something like that. He can't even have at least one more year of being a kid?"

"It doesn't seem too bad."

"Shisui, you literally became a jōnin when you were twelve. Twelve. Did you even have a childhood?"

"Of course I did! That's rich coming from you, Miss-promoted-to-jōnin-at-fourteen-and-then-had-to-help-raise-her-two-sisters."

"Says the one who was earning money for his family since he was twelve!"

"Says the one whose first biological child wasn't born until she was twenty, but really she'd been raising two other children since she was fourteen."

"Says the- what is the point of this argument?!"

"There is none. Look, let's just see how things turn out and decide from there. Okay?"

Haruki frowned as she glanced over at Masumi, who was gleefully laughing as he played with his younger brothers.

"I guess."

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon