Hyūga at Heart

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"To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

Hiashi beamed and immediately removed Masumi from Haruki's arms as soon as he opened the door for her and Shisui, prompting a giggle from his grandson as he cuddled him tightly and greeted him with utmost enthusiasm.

"Just dropped by to talk," shrugged Haruki, stepping in and removing her shoes. Behind her, Shisui followed suit, and they both made their way to the living room as Hiashi went ahead with Masumi.

"You enjoying your day off as well, huh Shisui?" asked Hiashi as he settled on the armchair with Masumi, seating the little boy on his lap as he looked up at the Uchiha.

"While I can," sighed Shisui, sitting on the couch across from Hiashi with a stone-faced Haruki.

"What did you two need to talk about?" asked the Hyūga clan leader, gently bouncing Masumi on his knee as he faced Haruki and Shisui. "The last time the two of you visited on your own together was to tell me that Haruki was pregnant. Hm... Let me guess. You're here to inform me that you're getting married."

The couple exchanged blank looks, both unsure of how to react being called out so easily.

"Actually... yeah," said Haruki, completely dumbfounded. "We came to tell you we're... getting married..."

"About time, too! When is the wedding? I assume you've already told Namiko, yes?"

"Yeah, we have..."

Haruki blinked, still unable to believe her ears. Reading the shocked reaction on both Haruki and Shisui's faces, Hiashi sighed and placed a fidgeting Masumi on the floor.

"It's only natural- after all, she lives with you," continued Hiashi. "You two look rather surprised. Did you expect a different reaction?"

"Actually, kind of," admitted Shisui, laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head. "You've never been my biggest fan, so I assumed you wouldn't take kindly to the thought of Haruki settling down with me for the rest of her life."

"Shisui," sighed Hiashi, shaking his head. "Truthfully, when you and Haruki first started dating, I was skeptical of you for all sorts of reasons. One being, Haruki is my eldest daughter, therefore the first of my daughters to undergo the whole dating thing, therefore making it completely uncharted territory for me. But as the years passed- even before she became pregnant with Masumi- I managed to pull back a little bit and see you for who you really are, not just as some boy my daughter was interested in. 

"You're an agreeable man, Shisui. You've proven not only to be a dedicated lover and friend to Haruki, but you've also shown me that you're a truly capable father. I'm glad you and Haruki are taking this final step together. I couldn't think of another man who would be as suitable a match for my daughter as you are. Although I have had my shortcomings as her father, you were there to protect Haruki even after I'd forsaken her, you were there for Haruki no matter what. So, thank you, Shisui. Please continue to look after my daughter, and all my grandchildren, both present and future."

"Thank you for your kind words, Hiashi-sama," said Shisui, bowing his head in respect to Haruki's father. "But honestly, Haruki was there for me before I was there for her. I'm just as happy that she's chosen me of all people to be with."

"Let's not get started," groaned Haruki, rolling her eyes as she stood up and made to follow Masumi, who had darted out into the hallway. Shisui and Hiashi chuckled as she disappeared and made to fetch her son, leaving the two males sitting in silence.

"By the way, Shisui," added Hiashi, nodding curtly at the Uchiha.

"Yes, Hiashi-sama?"

"Haruki calls your mother okaa-san. So, feel free to call me otou-san," said the Hyūga gently. "Welcome to the family."

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