Naming Rights

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Following the awakening of Masumi's Byakugan, things in the Uchiha household eventually settled down, meaning that Haruki and Shisui could finally focus on other important things.

"Are you two sure about this?"

Haruki nodded as she sat at the kitchen table peeling and cutting up vegetables, while Namiko busied herself preparing the other things she'd need to cook dinner, and Shisui sat in the living room with the children keeping them entertained until it was time to eat.

"Definitely," guaranteed Haruki, chopping away as she informed Namiko of her and Shisui's decision. "We want you to do it."

"But what about your own father?"

"Eh, he doesn't live with us and put up with all three children on a daily basis," jested Haruki. "I love otou-san, but Shisui and I both decided it'd be more suitable for you to have a chance to name the next child. We discussed it and the reasoning behind it with my father as well, and he understood why we wanted to do this."

"I'm flattered, really!"

"So, okaa-san. Will you please do the honour of naming me and Shisui's fourth son?"

"The honour is all mine!"

Haruki smiled at her mother-in-law's enthusiastic response, watching carefully as Namiko appeared to walk with a new spring in her step after hearing Haruki's request.

"Have you got any ideas?" asked Haruki, wiggling her eyebrows at Namiko's back as she stood at the stove. Namiko merely chuckled, and tucked a loose strand of greying hair behind her ear as she fired up one of the elements.

"I do."

"Will you give us a hint?"

"Absolutely not."

"Aww! Okaa-san! I think Shisui and I have the right to know whether you're wanting to name our child something like, like- carrot!" contended Haruki, waving around the orange vegetable which she'd been peeling.

"Do you really think I'd be foolish enough to give one of my precious grandchildren such a ridiculous name?!"

"No, but... but still!"

"You'll find out when he's here!"


"Keep peeling!"

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