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"Hmm, I'm looking forward to finally being able to sleep in a room."

Four days into their mission, and after four days of sleeping on the ground and in trees, Shisui and Haruki both breathed sighs of relief as they headed towards their next stop for the night: a fishing village in the southern neighbouring Land of Tea.

"So, are we getting one room, or separate?" asked Shisui teasingly, making Haruki laugh out loud. The two had traded in their usual shinobi gear for more inconspicuous civilian clothing, with both of their forehead protectors stowed safely away in the bottom of their backpacks.

"If you promise we'll only be sleeping tonight, we can share," laughed Haruki. "But if not, we'll take separate rooms. We need to be fit to continue our mission tomorrow."

"I was just messing with you," snorted Shisui, clutching onto his backpack straps as the pair shot through the countryside. "We're professional, of course we wouldn't do something as daft as that. I'm just glad we can finally cuddle!"

"Shisui, really?!" exclaimed Haruki, her face going red at his cute-but-embarrassing comment.

"Yeah, really!"


"Names, please?"

"Sawada Mizuki and Akino."

"Noted. Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Sawada."

As the inn keeper turned away from Shisui and Haruki, Haruki shot Shisui a, 'what the hell was that?!' look as they followed him.

"Here's your room. Thank you for staying with us."

The innkeeper bowed at the couple before retreating down the hallway, leaving Shisui to hum and unlock the bedroom as Haruki waited.

"Oh, so we're married now?" asked Haruki as she walked in, dumping her backpack by the door and immediately taking off her sweaty T-shirt and underlying black thermal long-sleeved shirt.

"Hey, no one's going to expect that lovely couple in room seven to actually be a pair of highly trained shinobi sent to assassinate someone," smiled Shisui as he placed his backpack next to Haruki's and trudged towards the bed. The sun had set a long time ago, and thankfully for them, the inn they had chosen to stay in for the night was open 24/7, meaning they could come and go as they pleased.

"Right, right."

Stripping off her pants and socks, Haruki looked at Shisui with her hands on her hips as he threw himself down onto the bed with a sigh.

"I'm going for a shower first," she said, making her way towards the bathroom. "The laundry room is still open for us to wash our clothes, right?"

"Hmm, I'll check."

"Thank you."

Shisui waited until Haruki was in the bathroom before sitting up and staring mischievously at the bathroom door.

"... surprise!"

Haruki let out a cry of surprise as Shisui burst into the bathroom not too long after her, wearing nothing but his own underwear as he let himself in.

"Shower together?"


𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin