Post-Chūnin Exams

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"... I am extremely proud of all three of you. Well done, Team Five."

Nearly two years later of training Ryūsei, Haruma, and Hiyori, Haruki was extremely pleased when all three of them passed their Chūnin Exams with flying colours. Over the time they had spent under Haruki's tutelage, they had grown in not only terms of height, but also in their abilities, courage, and determination.

Ryūsei, once the most cold and guarded team member, had become much more open and talkative, and had become so proficient in genjutsu that even Shisui had been impressed when he had watched over one of their training sessions.

Hiyori now bore a confidence that Haruki hadn't seen a shred of when they had first met, and she was no longer the shy girl who compared her skills to her teammates and belittled herself. Rather, Hiyori had become the most adept member in the squad at taijutsu and bukijutsu, and now rivalled Haruma in being the loudest of their squad.

And finally, Haruma. While his position as the team's medical ninja had originally been a surprise to Haruki, she grew accustomed to it as the days passed. Haruma displayed excellent mastery in his chakra control, making him an adept medic as well as a talented shinobi in ninjutsu and genjutsu.

And Haruki?

Well, Haruki had learned that to break her students out of their shells, all she needed was time.

"Thank you for teaching us, Haruki-sensei."

All three of her students bowed uniformly, making her grin at their stiff behaviour.

"Now that you three are graduated, I think it's safe to say that you don't have to call me sensei anymore," smiled Haruki, opening her arms wide for a hug. "Dinner's on me tonight!"



"... Haruki-sensei, are you alright?"

Haruki groaned as she slumped over in her seat, having treated her three team members to all you can eat barbecue. However, she must have eaten too much, because she was now queasy and felt like she was on the verge of throwing up. When it came to the words 'all you can eat,' Haruki had the bad habit of doing so until she felt like she was sick.

She never regretted it, though. Not even once.

"Hiyori, if there's one thing I haven't taught you about all you can eat barbecue..." began Haruki, closing her eyes to ease the queasiness. "It's that you absolutely do not stop eating when you're full."

"That doesn't sound very healthy," pointed out Ryūsei, while Haruma snickered at Haruki.

"Get your money's worth, Ryūsei. That's a life lesson I'm teaching you guys now."

All three chūnin burst into laughter at their teacher's 'words of wisdom,' with Haruki managing a chuckle as they did so.

"Haruki-sensei, you never struck me as the stingy type!" chortled Haruma as he grilled his own meat, earning snorts from his teammates.

"It's not being stingy, Haruma! It's called... umph... getting your money's worth!"

As Haruki reached out to grill another piece of meat for herself, her students gave her a wary look.

"Sensei, is that really a good idea?"

Haruki narrowed her eyes defiantly at her pupils, dropping her slice of beef onto their grill without another word.

"Did I train a bunch of cowards?"

"N-No, Haruki-sensei!"

"So eat!"

"Y-yes, sensei!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ