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"Okaa-san, do you mind looking after the boys for us tonight?"

"Of course not. Do you two need some time to talk?"


"Shall I pick Masumi up from school too, then?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright, no problem. I'll let you two sort yourselves out."

"Thank you."

Namiko had suspected something had gone down between Shisui and Haruki when she walked into the living room first thing in the morning and saw her son sleeping on the couch, and even though she didn't know what could have possibly caused such a rift between the pair, she hoped that they would work through it soon. 

It was the first time she had witnessed such a sight, and she wanted it to be the last.

As Namiko made her way around the kitchen, she had noticed the tension between the two as they prepared themselves and their sons for the day ahead. Although they still spoke to each other softly, they were visibly distant. It saddened Namiko, but she was all too familiar with marital spats herself. As long as the children didn't notice things were amiss between their parents, everything was fine.

Now, Haruki approached Shisui and Namiko at the fridge, nodding curtly at the pair.

"Let's talk properly tonight," said Shisui, arms crossed as he made eye contact with Haruki. "Okaa-san has already agreed to look after the boys after school, and I'll make it a point with the Hokage to release me as soon as you're finished so that we can go out."

"Okay, that sounds good."

"Okaa-san, can I have milk?!"

Namiko straightened up as Riku called from the table, patting Haruki on the arm.

"I've got it. You two work out your plan for today."

As Namiko rushed over to deal with Riku's milk crisis, Haruki was left standing uncomfortably before her husband.

"You're right," she sighed. "And you had every right to be angry at me. I'm sorry."

Shisui frowned, dropping his arms to his sides.

"I said everything I needed to say yesterday, so why do I still feel so... ugh!" He buried his face in his hands. "This was our first argument, and even though I didn't mean to sound so harsh... why do I still feel like this?!"


"Angry at myself!" exclaimed the Uchiha, prompting Haruki to glance warily at the table before leading her husband out of the kitchen. "This doesn't feel good, Haru-chan. The way I talked to you last night, the way I raised my voice and accused you of trying to live your stolen childhood through Masumi- it's not right! Aren't you angry at me?!"

"Shisui, don't worry about it," said Haruki soothingly, hugging the distraught Uchiha and laying her head on his chest. "You spoke nothing but the truth last night. You shouldn't feel guilty about that. We'll talk more about it tonight. We haven't had the chance to talk to each other properly in a while, so it'll be good for both of us."

"I... I meant it when I said I was sorry last night, Haru-chan. Please don't be mad at me."

"I could never be mad at you, Shisui. And I'm sorry that I let the issue fester for so long. I should've been more openminded to what you wanted from the beginning, instead of trying to make conditions that fit me better. You were right, I was the one in the wrong. And no, that's not me trying to guilt trip you, either. I can tell you're already beating yourself up right now."

"You have no idea."

"I know, I know. But we've got a day of work ahead of us- let's focus on that and then talk tonight."

"Why do I always come running back to you for comfort?" asked Shisui mournfully, clutching onto Haruki tightly as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Even when you're the one who should be angry at me?"

"Let's not talk about that right now," chuckled Haruki, patting Shisui on the back. "Come on. We've reached an agreement, we're back on the same page. Don't worry so much."

"Okay, okay. I'm calm. I love you, Haru-chan."

"I love you too, Shisui. Now, we have plenty of time to get blubbery and teary tonight- let's get to work!"

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