First Anniversary

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Haruki smiled as she met Shisui at Senju Park, immediately walking into his arms as he offered her an open embrace.

"I'm sorry for ditching our last date-date," he said apologetically, holding Haruki at arm's length. "But I made sure to inform the Hokage that he couldn't pull me away tonight!"

"Really, Shisui, you didn't need to," said Haruki in embarrassment, following Shisui's lead as he held her hand and began to lead the way.

"Yes, I did. It's our one year anniversary! I already missed your birthday, and I'm definitely not going to be missing our anniversary!"

A year of dating in secrecy while balancing their lives had gone by very quickly for the two, and now, they couldn't even remember what it had been like before they started seeing each other.

"That's fair enough," chuckled Haruki, swinging their interlocked hands as they walked. "What's the plan for tonight, huh?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't mind. Being with you is enough," sighed Haruki as she and Shisui strolled along the footpath, the aligning lamp posts lighting their way towards the village center.

"You're so cute. I like it."

"You're not too bad yourself, Uchiha-san," teased Haruki, earning a laugh from her boyfriend.

"Don't call me that!" whined the Uchiha, shaking Haruki's hand in displeasure. "It feels weird!"

"So does walking into your house without knocking or ringing the doorbell!"

"That's different! It's basically expected of you at this point!"

"Shisui, that would be just as weird as me going over to your house when no one else is there."

"So? It's basically your home too, you can go whenever you want!"

Haruki laughed at Shisui's persistence, looking up at him with a broad smile.

"I'm sorry you can't do the same at my house," she apologised sheepishly. "But, you know..."

"That's fine. We know that it's best for both of us anyway," reassured Shisui, a gentle expression on his face as he smiled lovingly at his girlfriend. An idea came to Haruki's mind, and she snapped her fingers in realisation.

"Oh! Otou-san's been assigned on a mission and he's due to leave in two days. Why don't you come over and visit then? You can meet Hinata and Hanabi again as well!"

"Hmm, sneaking into your home when your father's not around? Risky, but it sounds fun."

"Well, it won't be sneaking. Another one of the adults in our clan will be there to look after us, but they'll just assume you're a friend who's visiting. Nothing incriminating at all."

"You're so sly," mused Shisui, pulling Haruki to a halt under one of the lamp posts. "I love you, Haruki."

Haruki stiffened as she met Shisui's gaze, unsure of whether he meant it as an offhanded comment or not.

"I... love you too, Shisui," she managed to squeak, eliciting a loud roar of laughter from her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that!" he chortled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small, blue box. "I was meant to give this to you after dinner, but why not now?"

"Shisui, you didn't have to!"

"Yes, I did. Have you already forgotten about the katana you gave me last week?!"

"That wasn't a gift! You said you'd lost your one during your last mission, and I didn't want you to go without one!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. This isn't a big gift, but I wanted to show you that I do really care about you, Haru-chan."

Shisui opened the box, revealing a small silver pendant with the kanji for 'love' engraved on it, laying on a thin silver chain on the black inner velvet of the blue box.

"Happy anniversary," said Shisui with a smile, pulling the necklace out and urging Haruki to turn around. The Hyūga obliged, pulling her long hair aside so that Shisui could put it on for her.

"Well, since we're exchanging gifts now, I guess I should give you yours," snorted Haruki, gently touching the pendant as it rested comfortably at the base of her throat.

"I'm pretty sure the katana counts as a gift."

"No, it doesn't."

"Okay, then I'll pay you back for it."

"No, you won't. Give me your hand."

Snapping the box shut and pocketing it, Shisui grinned as he eagerly gave Haruki his left hand.

"A bit early for a ring, isn't it?" he joked, earning an eyeroll from his girlfriend.

"Don't kid yourself, I know you'd like to be my stay at home wife," replied Haruki, making Shisui's grin widen. Haruki pulled out a little black velvet bag from her pocket, and opened it to reveal a dark brown wooden bead bracelet, with a silver pendant hanging off of it with the kanji for 'peace' engraved on it. "Looks like we had the same idea, huh?"

"Thank you, Haru-chan," said Shisui softly as Haruki pulled the bracelet onto his wrist. "I really appreciate it."

"And I appreciate you, Shisui."

The pair stood holding hands as they looked into each other's eyes, both feeling equally warm and allayed by the other's presence.

"Can I kiss you, Haru-chan?"

Haruki snickered.

"That's the last time you have to ask, Shisui."

"Really? Why?"

Before Shisui could finish, Haruki had already leaned up to kiss the Uchiha, silencing him immediately.

"Because I'm going to have to start asking instead," chuckled Haruki, tenderly caressing Shisui's face. "Happy anniversary, Shisui."

Haruki threw her arms around the Uchiha as she hugged him, being embraced in return.

"Happy anniversary, Haru-chan. I love you."

Now more comfortable with admitting her feelings, Haruki let out a deep sigh.

"I love you too, Shisui."

Author's Note: 

Haruki's necklace : 愛 = love 

Shisui's bracelet : 平和 = peace

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