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"Hello, Shisui-san. Are you here to see hime-sama?"

"Yes, actually. Is she here?"

Sayaka stepped away from the door to let Shisui in, bowing at him as he entered.

"I'm afraid she's in bed at the moment, but she should be awake," said the caretaker. Hanabi stuck her head out from the living room, and upon seeing Shisui, waved at him with a broad smile.

"Hi, nii-chan!"

"Hey, Hanabi! Are you excited to start the Academy soon?"

Shisui grinned as Hanabi ran out to greet him, patting her on the head as he shut the door and headed towards the staircase.

"A little bit! Nee-chan's been teaching me things while Hinata's training with otou-san, so I feel kind of ready!"

Hanabi chattered away as she trailed Shisui up the stairs, while Sayaka made her way back to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the family.

"Speaking of nee-chan, what's wrong with her?" asked the Uchiha. He had only just returned from another mission, and had found out from the Hokage that Haruki had appeared to be ill. As such, she had been dismissed from all duties for the week, but even Shisui knew that something was wrong.

"I don't know," shrugged Hanabi, holding onto Shisui's hand as he walked towards Haruki's room. "She never comes out of her room unless it's to eat or use the bathroom. Which she uses a lot."

"Hmm, she must be really sick, then. Haru-chan? Haru?"

Shisui lightly knocked on Haruki's bedroom door.

"Haru-chan, are you alright?" asked Shisui. Without warning, Hanabi fearlessly opened the door and held it open for Shisui, saying, "Come in, nii-chan."

Shisui walked into Haruki's room, and sighed at the sight of her curled up in the middle of her bed under all her blankets. Her curtains were drawn, and her room was a mess.

Hanabi shut the door behind Shisui as he sat down on the edge of Haruki's bed, gently tapping her on what he thought to be her arm.

"Haru-chan, what's happened? Do you have the flu?"

When Haruki didn't reply, Shisui frowned and activated his Sharingan to see if he could pinpoint what exactly was wrong from analysing Haruki's chakra.

"Oh- oh. Oh no. No. No way."

Under the sheets, Haruki lay with a heavy heart, her face still wet from tears of disbelief.

"Hey, Hanabi, could you do me a favour?" asked Shisui kindly, beckoning for the girl to move forward. "Could you go down and get a glass of water for your sister?"

"Okay, nii-chan!"

Without a second thought, Hanabi hurried out of the room and closed the door behind herself, leaving Shisui to comfort Haruki.

"Haru-chan," he said in a strained whisper, still in disbelief himself. "Haru-chan, it's okay."

Haruki threw off her blankets, sitting up straight and looking at Shisui with red eyes.

"No it's not," she croaked, before burying her face in her hands. "My father is going to kill me!"

"No, he won't," said Shisui strongly, shuffling so that he was sitting closer to Haruki. "It's going to be okay. Why don't we go to the hospital tomorrow and get you checked out, just to be sure?"

"And then what?" asked Haruki mournfully, the consequences of her actions crashing down on her. "What am I supposed to do? I've failed my father, and my clan. I can't get rid of it, Shisui. But if I don't, my family will find out, and..."

Haruki burst out sobbing, and for the first time in a long time, Shisui felt deep remorse. After all, it took two people to make a baby, and he was just as responsible as Haruki was.

"I'm sorry, Haru-chan," he said, voice cracking as he hung his head. "I should have been more careful. Maybe we can find out how it happened and-"

"It doesn't matter how it happened! What matters is what am I meant to do now?!"

"... I honestly can't tell you what to do, Haru-chan. It's your choice."

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now