Break Time

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"At this rate, I'll never get back to work."

Haruki sighed as she flopped onto the bed one night, having just finished putting Mamoru to sleep after his older siblings had gone to bed.

Shisui frowned and rolled over so that he was facing his wife, a guilty look adorning his face as he stared at her.

"I'm sorry, Haru-chan," he said lightly, reaching over and poking her in the side. "I still stand by my word. If you want me to stay at home and look after the kids, I'd be more than happy to. I know how much you must hate being out of action for so long."

"As tempting as it sounds, you earn more money than I do," replied Haruki glumly, laying flat on her back. "I'd have to work my butt off to see myself reinstated for A-ranked and S-ranked missions again."

"Well... what if we enrolled the kids at a daycare center, so that both of us can go back to work?" suggested Shisui. "Maybe you could go teach at the Academy or something, and then move back to being a team leader once you've settled in. And then after that, you could start going on big missions again!"

"As much as I love the thrill of being on missions, I really don't want to have to leave okaa-san with all the children if both of us were to be out at the same time," said Haruki. "But that Academy idea doesn't sound too bad. If I could teach a class, my hours would match up with picking up the children from daycare."


Haruki rolled over onto her side, shooting Shisui a stern look and poking him in the chest.

"No. More. Children," she said seriously, brow furrowed as she got her point across. "At least, not for a while. We're still young. Let's try and provide for the children we have now before we think of having any more in the future."

"Anything you want!"

Haruki smiled as she cuddled up to her husband, pleased with the outcome of their conversation.

She had been so focused on being a mother for the past few years that she had forgotten that she was also so many other things. She was a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend.

But above all else, she was a kunoichi.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now