Babies Babies Babies

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"Wow, Riku's eyes are so piercing!"

Four months into Shisui's mission, Haruki found herself hanging out at Fugaku and Mikoto's house with Namiko and the kids, each woman holding a child as they exchanged banter. While Haruki supervised Masumi as he drank from his sippy cup, Mikoto sat with Riku propped between her legs, and Namiko had Sora lying on the ground before her as he attempted rolling back and forth.

"All three of them are perfect mixes of you and Shisui," Mikoto added, chuckling as she gently squeezed Riku's sides. "No word on when he'll be back? We don't know anything about Itachi, either."

"The Hokage's said he can't tell me," sighed Haruki, pushing Masumi's sippy cup down as he tried to pour the contents out onto Mikoto's tatami floor. "It's up to them how long this mission takes."

"Maybe losing his other eye has made it difficult for Shisui to complete the mission compared to when he was in full health," suggested Namiko, smiling as she reached out and tickled Sora's belly. "I'm sure he'll be back soon. No doubt he must be missing his boys dearly."

"He's in for a surprise when he gets back," mused Haruki, knowing just how much the twins had grown since their father had gone off. "How is Sasuke?"

"Surprisingly, enjoying his time as a genin. He's been put into Kakashi's team with Naruto and a lovely girl named Sakura. But I must say, Naruto was apparently bummed out that you hadn't returned to work yet. Kushina told me he'd been hoping that you would be his team leader- he even went so far as to begging his father to ask you to return to work in time for his Academy graduation. I think even Sasuke was a bit let down, too."

"Ah," said Haruki softly, honoured at the thought that Naruto had wanted her as his teacher. "Well, Kakashi is a far more adept teacher. Those three will learn a lot under him."

"Do you know anything about your own genin team, Haruki-chan?" asked Mikoto, curious as to how Haruki's first- and so far only- genin-turned-chūnin team were faring. "How are they?"

"They're doing well," smiled Haruki. "They paid a visit not too long ago, and we caught up while we looked after the children. Ryūsei is slated to be promoted to jōnin status soon, and- surprise surprise!- Haruma and Hiyori told me they'd started dating. I guess it's bound to happen between team mates, huh?"

"Obito and Rin are an example," pointed out Namiko, recalling Obito's relationship with the Nohara. "And I guess, technically you and Shisui first met as team mates, right?"

"... yeah, if you put it that way."

"Do you think the same will happen in Sasuke's team?" snorted Namiko, wiggling her eyebrows at Mikoto. Mikoto sighed, covering her face with her hand.

"If it does, I hope it won't be for at least another five years," said Mikoto glumly, laying Riku down on the ground beside his twin. "But then again, that would be better than him becoming like Itachi and barely being home."

"I heard Itachi and Izumi had a thing going on," cut in Namiko, looking at Mikoto for confirmation. "You know, Satomi's girl?"

"I wouldn't know," shrugged Mikoto in response. "He doesn't talk about himself much."

"Shisui and I should invite them on a double date," snickered Haruki, releasing Masumi as he stood up to walk over to his grandmother. "Let's just hope they hold off of having kids for just a bit longer."

"Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure you and Shisui were one of the youngest couples in the clan to start a family. Do you think that's a record Itachi would want to beat?"

All three women burst out into laughter.

"Whatever happens, I don't mind," said Mikoto reassuringly, looking down at Riku lovingly. "I'd love to be a grandmother."

"Well, you can borrow these three whenever you like!" joked Haruki, earning roaring laughter from the two older Uchiha women.

"Please do," added Namiko. "With the rate Shisui and Haruki are going, our house is going to be overflowing with babies!"

"Please, these three are enough for now," protested Haruki weakly, yet still managing to smile at her children. "But our end goal is seven, so... let's see what happens!"

"Oh, goody! More babies!" cried Mikoto, hearts in her eyes as she lifted Riku and held him up to her face. "Our clan is going to be overrun with little cuties just like you and your brothers, Ri-kun!"

"Seven grandchildren," whistled Namiko, fanning herself in exasperation. "Whew. Well, Shisui should hurry back home so that you two can get started on number four, am I right?"

"We're not in a rush," laughed Haruki. In front of her, Masumi had stood up and reclaimed his sippy cup, but this time he held it to his mother's mouth. "Oh, thank you, Masumi!"

Haruki beamed brightly at her son as he forcibly made her drink his water, laughing happily as Haruki smiled and nodded at him in thanks.

"My turn! Do you want to drink, Masumi?"

As Haruki engaged in play time with Masumi, earning multitudes of giggles from her first-born, Namiko and Mikoto exchanged knowing smiles.

Haruki was a wonderful mother.

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