diagon alley

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The next morning, Molly takes Sam, Ron, Fred, George and Percy to Diagon Alley to get their supplies for the school year. The street is crowded with witches and wizards, goblins making their way to work at Gringotts, owls soaring in the air, and people selling things off the street. It was overwhelming, to say the least. Several people bump into Sam and she almost falls flat, but Ron grabs her hand as Fred and George stand on the side of her.

"Percy, Percy, dear," Molly calls, "Take Fred and George to get their books. We're going to go to Ollivander's."

Percy nods and drags Fred and George away while Molly guides Ron and Sam to the wand shop. Upon entering the building, Sam notices how dark it is, but it maintains a warm glow. Ron immediately steps up to the counter and tests out a few wands. Sam watches in awe at the process of a wand choosing you and she gets progressively more excited. Ron steps back and continues to stare at his wand. Sam steps up and smiles at Ollivander.

"Hello," she greets.

"Hello, dear," he looks her over and furrows his brows, "Hm, there's power in you. I think I know just the wand."

He walks back through the aisles of wands and climbs a ladder to pull a box out of the stacks. He walks back and slides it across the counter. Sam gently opens the box and holds the wand, but the wand begins to shake as does the shop itself. Ollivander snatches the wand from her grip.

"Nope, not that one."

Molly steps up to the counter and whispers something to him and he turns back towards Sam with an awestruck expression.

"Interesting. Very interesting. I believe I know what will fit you, my dear."

Sam looks curiously between him and Molly before he steps to the back of the shop and pulls out a different box. He looks at it for a moment and then proceeds to bring it to the front and sets it on the counter. She looks at the box and begins to open the lid. Inside the box, is a beautiful and intricate wand. She lifts it up and holds it firmly in her hand. Wind blows through the shop and a bright light shines at the very tip of the wand. Sam feels a rush of power fill her and she grins, enraptured by the wand.

"Yew wood, with phoenix feather core. Very rare indeed. The Montclair family is the only family to have been chosen by yew wood-"

Molly quickly grabs Ron and Sam's hands, "Well, thank you Mr. Ollivander, always a pleasure."

She leads them out of the shop and off to find the others. Upon collecting all the various items they will need, they begin to head back to the Burrow. Among the growing crowd, Sam sees an exceptionally large man, who towers over everyone else. She looks down to his side and sees a boy, around her age. He has dark hair and circular glasses that are perched on his nose. She tilts her head in curiosity. She knows him. A feeling of familiarity and comfort washes over her. She watches him as they walk in separate directions. She turns back to her family as Fred and George begin to talk about the year to come.

The dark haired boy feels a warmth spread over him and he turns around. He watches a family with bright red hair walk in the opposite direction. He notices a girl with brown hair walking with them, but he then gets pulled back to reality by the screeching of owls.

Till The End | h.pDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora