save someone

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A few days after they return to Hogwarts, Sam sits with Harry in a corridor room as they do research on vanishing cabinets. Harry notices how distant she appears, her mind drifting far away.

"What's on your mind?" He asks, concerned.

She continues to stare out the window, "I know he's a bully, but he's not a killer. He didn't want this, it's his father. He's just a boy. He needs saving."

Harry hesitates for a moment, "But it can't be you."

She finally turns to him, "Harry, I might be the only one who can, the only one willing."

"How many times do we need to have this conversation?"

She glares at him as she states firmly, "I can't stand this anymore. He needs someone to pull him out of this darkness since he can't do it himself. Plus, whatever he's planning, we can stop it if I can just help him."

Harry throws his head back and sighs, "Sam, I don't want to be put in this position."

"Then let me do what I do best, let me save his life."

His expression turns to that of frustration and pain, "I'm sorry, I really am, but no."

"You are not going to control me or my actions, Harry James Potter. You are not my father."

"No, I'm not, but he isn't here to knock sense into you, so it falls on me. I'm not Sirius, I'm the one who would rather die than see you get hurt. I want this to be a healthy relationship, so please stop putting me in this position."

"Fine, I shouldn't have asked in the first place. I don't need your permission," she states as she folds her arms across her chest.

He rolls his eyes, "You're acting like a child."

"You're treating me like one. I am not some damsel in distress. I do not need saving."

"Not yet! But if you keep trying to walk into the lion's den, you will!" He argues.

She sighs and lets her head fall into her hands, "Please, I can't stand to watch him go down this path. I can feel his pain, it's visible, Harry. He's terrified, he's conflicted, he's in pain. Don't make me watch him suffer."

Looking at her in this moment was breaking his heart, he's never been so conflicted. He's beginning to wonder if her persistence runs deeper than what she's letting on.

"Do you have feelings for him?"

She looks up at him, "Harry-"

He shakes his head, "Nevermind, I don't want to know. You're free to do what you want," he stands and leaves the room.

She sits in shock and disbelief. She leans back and rests her head against the wall. She's not even sure why she is so adamant about saving him, she just can't bear the thought of being able to save him and not doing anything. She feels that she has to try. She's failed so many other people and she just can't fail another. She doesn't want to watch him suffer, not after knowing how deeply he cares for her. He saved her from Umbridge, he saved her from Blaise. She can't let him burn in the fire.

As Harry walks down the hall, he tries desperately to control his emotions. He wants to go back for her, but he knows that it's better to walk away. He never wanted to control her in the first place, he just can't risk losing her. But he worries that if he continues to control her, he will lose her. He's trying not to be angry with her or jealous, but the idea that she's gravitating towards Malfoy is eating him up inside. So lost in his thoughts he doesn't see Luna in front of him and he runs right into her.

Till The End | h.pTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon