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Harry grabs his cloak from the twins and heads straight for the passageway on the map, leading him through a tunnel and right into the cellar. He pushes a tile from the floor up and out of the way so he can climb in. He climbs up the stairs and into the shop, with the invisibility cloak still on. As he exits he steals a lollipop from Neville. He walks around searching for Ron and Hermione. When he can't find them along the cobblestone streets, he ventures out to the Shrieking Shack. When he arrives at the fence, barricading it off, he sees Malfoy and his goons pestering his friends.

"You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it Weasle-Bee? Don't your family sleep in one room?" Malfoy comments while the others laugh.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy," Ron says with little confidence.

"Not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we teach Weasle-Bee, here, how to respect his superiors."

Hermione steps in front of Ron with a fake laugh, "Hope you don't mean yourself."

Draco sneers, "How dare you talk to me! You filthy, little Mudblood."

Harry scoops up a handful of snow and throws it at Malfoy, hitting him square in the face.

"Who is that?" Draco calls out.

Two more snowballs come flying at him knocking him to the ground. Ron and Hermione look confused as they watch the scene unfold. Harry continues to throw snowballs at them as he walks up and pulls down Crabbe's pants and pulls Goyle's hate over his eyes. He kicks Crabbe over and swings Goyle around by his scarf, who falls. Then he decides to push Draco over and drag him by his feet to the Shrieking Shack. Draco yells in fear, "Don't just stand there, do something! No, no, no! Not there!"

Harry drops his feet and all three of them going running back to Hogsmeade. Ron and Hermione laugh loudly. Harry walks up to them and begins pulling lightly on their hair.

Hermione laughs more, "Harry!"

He pulls off his cloak in a fit of laughter. They all begin to walk back to the village to finish up their Christmas shopping.

"So where's Sam?" Ron asks while looking around for her.

Harry pulls his hood up as they reach the town, "Well, if I asked her to come with me, she'd never let me get her anything for Christmas."

"Fair enough, but how did you get here?"

Harry shows them the map.

"Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map," Ron huffs.

"Harry isn't going to keep it. He'll turn it over to Professor McGonagall," Hermione insists.

"Oh, sure. Along with his Invisibility Cloak," Ron says sarcastically.

"Look who it is. Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her," Hermione jokes.

"That's not true!"

They watch as she has a conversation with Professor McGonagall and Cornelius Fudge.

Cornelius steps out of his carriage, "Rosmerta, my dear. I hope business is good."

"It would be a lot better if the Ministry wasn't sending dementors into my pub every other night!"

"We have a killer on the loose!" He insists.

"Sirius Black in Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?"

Fudge whispers to her, "Harry Potter and Samantha Jackson."

McGonagall pulls them inside the pub. When Hermione and Ron turn to look at Harry he's gone. He walks into the pub under the cloak and sneaks up the stairs following closely behind.

Madam Rosmerta slams her fists on the table in the meeting room, "Nobody will come to a pub where they'll get scared out of their wits."

"Professor Dumbledore doesn't want dementors around the place," McGonagall persists.

"Tell me what this is all about," Madam Rosmerta says.

"Years ago, when Harry Potter's parents realized they were marked for death, they went into hiding, few knew where they were," McGonagall explains, "One who did was Sirius Black. And he told You-Know-Who."

"Not only did Black lead him to the Potters that night, but he also killed one of their friends, Peter Pettigrew! Little lump of a boy." Fudge states.

"Oh! I remember him, he never let James and Sirius out of his sight. But what happened?"

"Well Peter tried to warn the Potters and might have managed, had he not run into an old friend, Sirius Black," McGonagall continues.

"Black was vicious," Fudge points out, "He didn't kill Pettigrew, he destroyed him! A finger. That's all that was left. A finger and nothing else."

"Oh yes," McGonagall agrees, "Sirius Black may not have put his hand to the Potters, but he's the reason why they're dead."

"And now he wants to finish what he started," Fudge concludes.

"He was best friends with the Potters and to this day remains to be Harry Potter's Godfather."

"I don't believe it!" Madam Rosmerta cries.

"That's not the worst of it," McGonagall continues, "Only a select few have the knowledge, he's here not only to finish what he started 12 years ago, but to find his daughter, Samantha Jackson!"

Harry's mouth falls open in pain and in shock.

"So, it's her! She's the infamous Black and Montclair daughter in the prophecy!"

Harry quickly exits without letting anyone know and walks out of the town, completely ignoring Ron and Hermione. When they finally chase him down, they find him sitting on a rock in front of the Shrieking Shack. Hermione kneels in front of him as he cries.

"Harry, what happened?"

"He's her father. Sirius is Sam's father. He was their friend and he betrayed them. He was their friend!" He shouts, his grief turning quickly into rage, "I hope he finds me. Because when he does, I'm gonna be ready! When he does... I'm gonna kill him!"

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