battle of hogwarts

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They watch as spells are cast towards the white barrier, protecting the school and those who remain inside. The barrier begins to shatter, piece by piece. The older students take their stances, ready for battle. Sam feels her body begin to shake, trying to hold back her power.

"This one instance, Miss Black, I would recommend letting your power fly," McGonagall suggests openly.

Sam turns to face her, "It'll be dangerous..."

Minerva nods, "I'm counting on it."

Sam gives her a malicious grin before letting her power flow freely for the first time in her life. Her hair turns a deep midnight black as her eyes glow that familiar green, however, this time, it pierces through the darkness like a beacon. Rather than simple green sparks, flames engulf her hands and shoot down into the ground below her feet, burning the stone. As the barrier finally breaks, an army of Death Eaters run straight for the castle. A giant bulldozes through the small force of stone soldiers and across the bridge. Just before the Death Eaters breach the courtyard, Sam pushes everyone ounce of raw anger out of her and she soars into the sky as the clouds above them turn a bright green, similar to her eyes.

The Death Eaters slow their pace, but as they take their first steps into the courtyard, Sam crashes back down to the stone. Upon impact, green flames circle outward from her hands and feet, knocking down every Death eater within fifty feet. She pulls her hands into her chest and inhales deeply, her eyes becoming darker by the second. As she exhales her breath she screams with every bit of power she's withheld, cracking the stone bridge and causing several members of Voldemort's army to go toppling over the bridge and into the chasm below.

As some sneak past her, the other students and staff begin casting spells at them. Individual fights increase around them. One Death Eater attempts to cut Sam off from behind, but a spell from far above is cast, tying them up as they hit the ground. Sam turns to look up and sees the twins smiling at her in pride. She sends them a wink before facing the hundreds of Death Eaters swarming around her. Sam uses every trick she has to knock them down. Once the castle is breached, she turns her attention to the enemies inside. She uses all her strength to take out every Death eater she sees, but she feels her own strength wearing thin. Explosions erupt from around her and large piles of stone land on the floor.

Meanwhile, up in one of the castle towers, Harry looks down at the destruction that lay before him. He's bloodied and bruised, but they've destroyed both Horcruxes. He turns to Hermione.

"Where's Sam?"

She opens the map and searches through, "She's on the third floor... she isn't moving."

Hermione looks up at Harry and Ron with concern and tears begin to pool in her eyes. Ron, in a panic, grabs her hand and they all race down to the third floor. Hermione's gaze moves frantically from the map to the corridor in front of them. She sees a girl with dark black hair, sitting against the wall.

"Sam?" Harry calls out.

"Harry?" They hear a small whisper.

Harry crouches down next to Sam, "We have to go, come on," he helps her up.

"My power-"

"You're holding back still," Hermione notices, "It's why you're draining so fast."

Sam nods and they race back down the stairs and out into the courtyard. Fires have spread around the school and Death Eaters bombard the halls with explosives of all kinds. Giants, Acromantula, Death Eaters, students, staff, teachers, dementors, werewolves, and vampires surround the courtyard, battling each other. Harry pulls them through the fights and out of the courtyard.

"It's the snake. She's the last one," Harry informs as he leads them down to the boat docks.

Sam feels her strength slowly returning as they reach the docks. They hear voices and crouch down, looking in through the window. They see Voldemort, his snake and Snape talking.

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord," Snape congratulates, "In the last few hours alone. No. No, I am extraordinary, but the wand resists me."

"There is no wand more powerful," Snape informs, "Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes, it will not fail you. I am sure of it. It answers to you and you only."

"Does it?"

"My Lord?" Snape questions.

"The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?"

"With you, of course, my Lord."

Voldemort steps around him, "The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus, but only I can live forever."

"My Lord-" Snape begins, but is cut off by the flick of the Elder Wand.

A deep cut, begins to bleed from his neck and he collapses to the floor. Voldemort ushers his snake, "Nagini, kill."

The snake lunges at Snape several times, each time, his head hitting against the glass where the four of them hide. Sam feels a pain in her heart and a tear slides down her cheek. Harry reaches for her hand quietly and grasps it in the dark. They watch as Voldemort Apparates. Sam is the first to stand, followed by Harry as they run into the boathouse and crouch down beside their former professor.

He looks between the two of them and tears begin to drop down his cheeks. He gestures towards them and mumbles, "Take them... please, take them. Take them to the Pensieve."

"Hermione, quickly!" Sam calls out, "A vial."

Hermione tosses Harry the vial and he collects the tears from his cheeks. Sam stares into Snape's eyes and she can see his pain, she can feel his heartache. When he turns to Harry, he whispers, "Look at me."

Harry looks into his eyes and Snape gives the smallest smile, "You have your mother's eyes."

Sam lets a tear fall and he faces her, but as he does, she watches the light leave his eyes, taking his last breath. She shuts her eyes and drops her head. They both rise and walk back out on the docks. Sam looks over the water as it laps against the stone. One moment of silence and peace before Voldemort's voice breaks through once more.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

Harry remains crouched down as Voldemort speaks directly to him. When his voice breaks, Harry turns to them. They walk back up the steps and into the courtyard. Piles of stone have fallen and small fires still burn brightly. The four of them walk into the Great Hall and see the ground covered with bodies of those that died in the fight. Sam recognizes a few of the students that she grew up with. They pass by Remus and Tonks. The last of her father's friends... gone. Harry grabs her hand in sorrow, but as she turns, she sees the Weasley's gathered around a body.

Her heart stops.

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