malfoy manor

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"That treacherous little bleeder. Is there no one we can trust?" Ron asks in anger.

"They kidnapped her because he supported me," Harry explains, "He was just desperate."

Ron nods slowly, "I'll do the enchantments."

As they all begin to walk in different directions, men pop up from the ground, nearly surrounding them.

A man leans against the tree in front of Sam and Hermione, "Hello my lovelies."

Sam grabs Hermione's hand and pulls her back. They each take off running, but are chased down by the Snatchers. Sam runs through the forest dodging tree branches. Spells are fired at them from behind and the four fire back as they continue running. Ron gets taken down, but Sam turns around and lets out a powerful, blood-curdling scream. The trees behind them are hit with the sound waves and are uprooted before falling onto several Snatchers. Before they can continue, Hermione turns around and fires a spell at Harry, knocking him flat. Sam drops to her knees beside him as his face begins to morph into one unrecognisable.

The remaining Snatchers catch up and surround them. One is holding onto Ron, who is chained up. Another grabs Hermione, and one pulls Sam up and away from Harry.

"Don't touch her!" Harry shouts.

The leader of the group steps in front of Sam and gently touches her face, "A Banshee... my, my, my, what a little star. You are beautiful."

Harry looks at her and fights against the hold he's in, as does Ron. Sam's eyes flash a brilliant green that startles him, he tilts his head, "Ah," he turns around to look at a barely recognisable Harry, "Change of plans. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry."

Sam struggles in their grasp, but they're pulled through the woods. They arrive at a large estate, which could be breathtaking, but a darkness surrounds it that chills them to their bones. Bellatrix Lestrange walks up to the large gate to meet them. She looks at them all, until her eyes fall on Sam. She sneers, but looks confused upon the sight of Harry. The leader pulls his hair back from his forehead to show the scar.

"Get Draco," Bellatrix whispers.

They are thrown into a large room of the house. Sam tries to keep her distance from Harry, so as not to give away his identity. Draco enters the room and looks around at the scene. When his eyes fall on Sam, they soften greatly. Despite his current upper hand, he looks like a broken man, slowly turning into his father. Sam locks eyes with him, pleadingly, but she knows that while they may not know it's Harry, they all know it's her.

Bellatrix holds Harry's head back by his hair, "Well?" She asks expectantly.

Draco finally turns to look between her and Harry, "I can't be sure."

"Draco," Mr. Malfoy insists, "Look closely, son," he wraps his hand around the back of his neck and Draco flinches, "If we are the ones to hand Potter and Black over to the Dark Lord, everything would be forgiven. All would be as it was, you understand?"

The leader of the Snatchers speak up, "Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy."

"You dare to talk to me like that in my house?" Mr. Malfoy shouts.

Draco flinches suddenly and Sam feels an urge to grab his hand, but resists. Bellatrix, instead, pulls him forward, "Don't be shy, sweetie. Come over. Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure."

Draco looks at him long and hard, but his face scrunches up, "What's wrong with his face?"

Bellatrix looks up, "Yes, what is wrong with his face?"

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