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When Sam finally wakes up, she looks around the Hospital Wing, only to find Dumbledore standing by her bed.

"Professor, what happened?"

"You were petrified, Miss Jackson," he states.

"Oh Godric, please tell me the twins don't know. They'll never let me live it down."

Dumbledore chuckles in amusement.

"I'm afraid, they were informed."

Her head falls in her hands and then rises, "What happened to the basilisk? Are Harry and Ron okay?"

"Yes, yes, they are all fine. Harry defeated the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets the night they discovered you were petrified. In fact, it's indeed thanks to you, he survived. You see, when the basilisk attacked you that night, your scream shattered the windows. The shards blinded it, allowing Harry to look at it."

A smile creeps onto her face, "But, sir, how could a simple scream do that?"

His eyes swam with hesitation, "Your mother, she told you that you father was a muggle, correct?"

She nods apprehensively.

"Miss Jackson, have you ever heard of the Banshee?"

"I've heard the term, but not much about them."

"They are highly uncommon, but just like wizardkind, you can be half-banshee."

"Sir, forgive me, but I don't understand. A Banshee is of magical descent, and the article says nothing about the Montclairs being Banshees."

"No, they are not. In order to protect you, your mother came to me and asked to change your records. She wanted to make you untraceable to Lord Voldemort. Your father is not a muggle."

Her mind begins to fog over as so many thoughts consume her.

He nods slowly, "I take it, you now know who you are and what you are capable of."

"Yes, sir."

"You should know that Voldemort was in the Chamber that night with Harry."

Her eyes widen, "Does he know? That I'm alive, that I'm in the prophecy with Harry? Does Harry know? All of it?"

"Harry does know, yes. However, when it comes to Voldemort, Harry did not let Voldemort know. He protected you, as you did for him."

She gives a nod and a slight smile, which slowly turns into a frown, "Do they all know now? Do they see me differently?"

"That I cannot answer. However, the end of the year feast is about to begin. Please join us, when you are ready," he gives her a warm smile.

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