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"Okay, remember, nothing too big. Just sway the grass," Lupin orders.

Sam nods slowly. They've been practicing her magic for weeks, trying to help her find control. Harry is stuck at 4 Privet Drive, where he's safest from Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Sam wanted to stay with him, but the Order was very clear that putting the two of them in one place was not the most advantageous move. With Voldemort after both of them, it was better to divide his attention in two separate places. Sam takes a deep breath and lets a fraction of her magic flow through her freely. The grass begins to sway lightly as if there is a small breeze.

"Good, that's very good," Remus encourages.

She loses her focus and feels her own power. She falls into it like it's calling to her. She feels unstoppable as the energy courses through her. She lets it wash over her and the entire field of grass that surrounds the Burrow begins to sway violently. Wind blows through her hair and a smile creeps onto her lips.

"Okay, it's time to let it go. Stop," Lupin commands, "If you don't stop now, you'll be lost to it."

She closes her eyes and tilts her head back to feel it more. The branches on the trees begin to creak as they move with the wind. Lupin places his hands on her shoulders and shakes her lightly.

"You need to snap out of it, Sam."

He shakes her once more and she pushes out of his grip while opening her eyes. The wind slows and everything comes to a halt.

"You can't let it-"

"But if I did, this war could be over," Sam argues.

Lupin shakes his head, "You would kill everyone, no matter what side they were on."

She rolls her eyes, "Then find me an opportunity where it's just them. I'll take them all out."

Her eyes become more vengeful and her words more aggressive.

"Then you will be lost to the power."

"Fine, then kill me!" She shouts in frustration.

Lupin stares at her in shock and concern. He looks over her shoulder to the others who have been watching the encounter. Sam turns around and sees Molly, Ron, Arthur, Fred and George staring at her in immense worry.

She shakes her head, "Just point me at my target and get out of my way. If you have to take me out too, fine."

She turns on her heels and brushes past everyone and up to her room. She slams the door shut, leaving everyone in utter shock. Hermione alerted them all that she was going to remove her parents' memories of her and send them to Australia. She hopes that they'll be safer there. Sam has been listening to the news of the disappearances, her best friend can never see her family again, and for what? Sam could easily end this entire war, if they'd only let her. She's going to die anyway. Members of the Order are meant to go and get Harry from Privet Drive tonight. Everyone is going except for Molly and Sam. They won't let her go because it's too dangerous.

Lately, it just feels like everything has been setting her off. She feels like everyone is treating her like a child more and more everyday. She sits down on her bed and clenches her fists as green light begins to spark out of her palms. She's embarrassed by her own outbursts, but she and Hermione haven't been able to properly brew her potions yet. She's at her rawest form and she hates everything about it.

A knock sounds outside her door and the door creaks open to reveal Fred, George, and Ron. Fred and Ron move to sit on both sides of her while George crouches down in front of her.

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