car + willow

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On September first, the Weasley clan piles into the enchanted car and heads for King's Cross Station. They rush out to get to the platform on time.

Arthur shouts, "Alright, Percy, Fred, George, you first."

They all run through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Molly pats Sam on the back, signalling her to go through. Sam runs straight through the barrier, followed by Arthur and Molly. Sam waits for Harry and Ron, but they never come through. Molly, who doesn't seem to notice, pushes Sam onto the train and waves goodbye.

Sam finds the compartment where Hermione is patiently waiting.

"I thought you guys wouldn't make it, I was getting- wait, where's Ron and Harry?"

Sam shrugs, "I didn't see them come through the barrier, I'm sure Arthur and Molly will make sure they meet us at Hogwarts."

Sam pushes her trunk onto the overhead bars and takes a seat opposite of Hermione.

"You've been reading up on potions this summer, right Hermione?"

"Yeah, of course. After Slytherin lost the house cup last year, I figured Snape would have it out with Gryffindor."

"I was wondering if you've come across a potion for controlling your own emotions?"

Hermione eyes Sam curiously, "I mean, no I haven't, but I wasn't exactly looking for it either. I can check again. Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I was just curious if it was possible, is all."

They sit silently for a while, before picking up a new conversation. Right in the middle of Hermione's rant on the separation of blood status, Sam sees something moving outside the window. She looks closer and sees Arthur's enchanted car spinning next to the train, with Ron at the wheel and Harry in the passenger seat.

"Oh my God! Those idiots!" Sam shouts, pointing at the car so Hermione can see.

Her mouth drops open in astonishment, "Their stupid impulsivity knows no bounds."

Sam laughs, "Evidently."

The passenger door swings open and Harry falls out of the car, still gripping tight onto the handle. Sam abruptly stands and yanks down the window.

"Ron! Grab his hand!" She shouts.

Ron reaches for Harry and struggles to get a grip on him before finally pulling him back into the car. Sam visibly relaxes and prays that they don't die as they fly next to the train.

By the time Harry and Ron enter the Great Hall, the feast is almost over. Harry sits next to Sam and Ron drops his broken wand on the table.

"What happened to your wand?" Hermione asks as she lifts it up. It appears to have snapped almost completely in half, like Nearly Headless Nick.

"We accidentally flew the car into the Whomping Willow," Harry explains.

Sam's jaw drops, "Molly is going to kill you."

When they head up to their common rooms, Sam plops onto the nearest couch and pulls Harry down with her.

"Happy to be home?" She asks.

"Yeah. It's definitely better than the Dursley's. Have your nightmares gotten any better?"

"Haven't had one since last term, but I'm not sure that that's a good thing."

Harry turns to her quizzically, "Why not?"

She bites down on her bottom lip and resituates to face him, "I have this horrible feeling in my chest. Like something bad is coming. Does that sound crazy?"

He looks deeply in her eyes and then to the crackling fireplace, "No, but it's not exactly pleasant either."

"Yeah, I suppose. Well I'll see you in the morning. Don't forget we have Herbology first period," she warns as she walks up the steps to the girl's dormitories, "Night, Harry."

His eyes follow her retreating figure, thinking about everything that happened today, "Night, Sam."

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