leaky cauldron

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September 1st is right around the corner as the Weasley's unpack their bags from their trip to Egypt and repack items into their trunks for school. Sam has only written one letter to Harry over the summer and that was to tell him to meet them at the Leaky Cauldron before going to King's Cross. She is packing her things quickly in hopes of seeing him sooner. She loved Egypt, but she has missed Harry and Hermione more.

She races to the twins room, "Come on, hurry up! We don't have all day!"

"Look Freddie someone seems to be in a hurry."

"You're right Georgie, does this have anything to do with a certain scarhead?"

They wiggle their eyebrows and smirk. She blushes and tries to push them out of their bedroom. They have grown significantly taller and barely move an inch.

"Move, you overgrown gingers!"

Fred turns abruptly and throws her over his shoulder, "Overgrown gingers?"

George laughs, grabbing their trucks, "Is that the best you can do, little S?"

"Put me down! Ron, help me!" Sam calls out.

Ron steps out of his room and laughs, "I mean- they're out of their room, now, aren't they?"

Once they reach the Leaky Cauldron, they see Hermione first. Sam runs and envelops her in a hug, "Hermione!"

Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, runs for Ron's rat.

"I'm warning you Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!"

"It's a cat Ronald, what d'you expect? It's in his nature," she retorts.

"A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair, if you ask me!"

"That's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. It's alright, Crookshanks, you just ignore the mean little boy."

Sam chuckles and then turns, spotting Harry.

"Harry!" She runs to hug him.

He smiles wide and greets the others while they move to sit down with the other Weasley's. Ron pulls out a moving photograph they took on their vacation.

"Egypt. What's it like?" Harry asks.

"Brilliant. Loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs, even scabbers enjoyed himself." Ron explains.

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cats," Hermione says in disdain.

"Yeah, along with the dung beetle," Ron remarks.

Fred and George sit next to Sam, "Not flashing that clipping around again?"

"I haven't shown anyone!" Ron yells.

"No, not a soul," Fred says sarcastically.

"Not unless you count Tom," George informs.

"The day maid."

"The night maid."


"The bloke who fixed the toilet."

"Yeah, yeah alright, bugger off." Ron says in annoyance.

George laughs, "Yeah, Harry, they aren't too bright over there. They seemed to think our little Sam over here was the reincarnated Cleopatra!"

Sam blushes, "It's probably because I'm a brunette surrounded by gingers."

Fred wraps his arm around her, "Story of your life, isn't it?"

Sam grins at him while Harry chuckles.

Molly comes rushing over, "Harry."

"Mrs. Weasley," he acknowledges as he stands.

"Good to see you, dear."

"Good to see you as well."

"Harry Potter."

"Mr. Weasley."

"Harry, wonder if I might have a word?" he asks while shaking his hand.

"Yeah, sure."

Sam watches as they walk behind some of the pillars. They seem to be having a very serious conversation. She turns back to conversation going on between the twins. She knows that whatever it is, Harry will absolutely tell them on the train. An hour later they make their way onto the platform and pack into the train. Sam hears Molly shouting for Ron outside the train. Molly quickly hands Ron Scabbers and shouts, "Don't lose him!" as the train pulls away. The four of them try to find a compartment.

"I didn't mean to blow her up, I just- I lost control," Harry explains while telling the story of how he accidentally turned his horrid aunt into a balloon.

"Brilliant," Ron notes with a laugh.

"Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry was lucky not to be expelled," Hermione remarks.

"I think I was lucky not to be arrested."

"I still think it was brilliant."

Hermione stops in front of a compartment, with a man curled up in the corner, clearly sleeping, "Come on. Everywhere else is full."

As they pile in, Ron asks, "Who do you think that is?"

Hermione glances up, "Professor R.J. Lupin."

Ron sits down, "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?"

Hermione rolls her eyes, "It's on his suitcase, Ronald."


Harry looks at the man, "Do you think he's really asleep?"

Sam looks towards him as well, "Seems to be. Why?"

Harry stands up and closes the cabin door, "I have to tell you something."

Till The End | h.pHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin