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It was time for the third and final task. Before all the students is a seemingly endless maze. Everyone stood in the stands cheering for different champions. Sam, Hermione and Ron stood next to each with Fred and George behind them. The band was playing loudly as the champions entered. Dumbledore steps up to the podium and the crowd sits.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory," many of the students stand and cheer once more, "and Mr. Potter," several other stand and cheer loudly, "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

Everyone rises once more and cheers. Harry finds Sam in the crowd, she mouths 'Good luck' as she claps.

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!"

They gather around him and he speaks with them so that only they can hear and then announces, "Champions, prepare yourselves!"

They each move to stand at different entrances to the maze, Harry nods to Cedric, "One the count of three," Dumbledore alerts, "One-"

Filch accidentally sets the cannon off and Dumbledore rolls his eyes as Cedric and Harry enter the maze. The entrances close behind them. Everyone sits after a while and begins their own conversations. Every couple minutes Sam looks out to the maze in case red sparks fly up. Eventually, she does in fact see them and instantly worries for Harry, but moments later Fleur is escorted out of the maze.

Around fifteen minutes later, Sam's heart drops and something inside her begins to scream. She runs off the stands and straight to Dumbledore, "Professor, you have to stop the task!"

He looks at her quizzically before she continues, "I feel it, sir. Someone is about to die..."

He turns to the maze and whispers to more teachers to go and check on the contestants. He turns back to her, "We cannot stop the tournament and start a panic, I need you to tell me if you can withhold your scream."

She feels it rising inside her, screaming louder and louder, "Please, get me to Harry."

"I'm afraid that I cannot, but let me help you get a safe distance away from the students."

She looks towards the maze and back to him, "Hurry."

Fred, George, Hermione and Ron race down the stands and follow Sam and Dumbledore.

"Professor, what's going on?" Hermione asks.

"Someone is in danger, Miss Granger. I must get Sam out of the way."

"Well, we're not leaving her," George said sternly.

"Very well, come. Quickly!"

They follow and get to the edge of the castle grounds. Professor Dumbledore casts some sort of protection spell, creating a silencing dome around Sam. He nods in her direction. From inside the dome, she feels it rise in her chest and she sees Cedric with Harry.

"Kill the spare."

"No!" Harry screams.

A green light comes from the wand of Wormtail and it throws Cedric back and as he slams against the ground, he is already dead. A scream rips through Sam like nothing she's ever felt before. Her scream nearly shatters the dome as she drops to her knees. The wind outside the dome picks up and almost knocks everyone off their feet. A dark green light begins to fly out of Sam, beyond her control. This dark magic she hoped she would never have to see, comes out of her hands and her chest like lightning.

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